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在她的宽袍里流淌。Flows in the scrolls of her toga.

就像古罗马给他一件长袍当然一把…It's very ancient Rome. He'll need a toga , of course.

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很多人开始不热衷于这类派对。More than a few people won't be amused by this toga party.

第三,信托加银行的融资模式将得到进一步重视。Third, the letter Toga bank financing model will be further attention.

这需要一系列的金融创新,最好的模式应该是信托加银行。This requires a series of financial innovations, the best model should be a bank letter of Toga.

这座真人大小、身穿托加袍的奥古斯都时期的男子雕像被安全地放置在包了泡沫的木制架子上,以缓冲打捞时产生的震动。The Augustanera sculpture of a life-size male in a toga was secured on a foam-covered wooden frame to cushion its rescue.

这条超酷的毛巾不用打结就能穿。男女均适用,可以当成短上衣,也可以当成宽袍。This cool towel does not employ the use of any fastener. It is unisex and can be worn in either a tunic style or a toga style.

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这是件外观严肃的袍子,也许,它是现代服装系列中可以买得到的、同罗马袍褂最相近的衣服了。It was a severe-looking garment, and was perhaps the nearest approach to a toga to be obtained within the range of modern costume.

本文根据TOGA研究计划第1,2,3,8个航次考察结果,计算了热带西太平洋海-气热量交换值。Based on data collected by the TOGA cruises No. 1, 2, 3, 8, the atmosphere-ocean heat exchange over the tropical western Pacific is analysed.

我认识的一个在伦敦的基金经理认为,这一法则要回溯到古罗马时代,当时一盎司黄金据称足以买到一套最好的长袍。A fund manager I know in London argues that this goes back to ancient Rome, when an ounce of gold—allegedly—was enough to purchase a top-of-the-line toga.

这些军团将校身着窄边托迦,而第六个军团将校则是力图从事元老职位的,他的托迦镶嵌的是宽边的绛色条。These tribunes wore the narrow stripe on their toga. One tribune was someone who wished to embark on a senatorial career and thus wore the broad strip on his toga.

通过1985年至1987年TOGA试验,我们获得了不同热带环流条件与大气气溶胶分布之关系。A relationship between the distribution of aerosols and the tropical circulation under the different tropical circulation conditions during the TOGA experiment form 1985—1987 were studied.