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危险并没有吓住那英雄。Danger didn't daunt the hero.

危险并没有吓住那位英雄。Danger didn't daunt the hero.

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危险并没有吓倒英雄。Danger did not daunt the hero.

危险并没有吓倒这位英雄。Danger did not daunt the hero.

但我没让这阻拦我。But I didn't let that daunt me.

那种困难吓不倒他。The difficulty did not daunt him.

这种伎俩没有吓倒汤姆·约翰逊。Such tactics did not daunt Tom Johnson.

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任何困难都难不倒中国人民!No difficulty can daunt the Chinese people.

不论亚衲人,不论坚固城,都不足以威吓你。Neither the Anakim nor fenced cities need daunt or abash you.

任何困难都难不倒英雄的中国人民!Any diffificulty can't daunt the heroic Chinese people ! ! ! !

我坚信,没有任何困能难得倒英雄的中国人民!I firmly believe that no difficulties will daunt the brave Chinese people!

本周水瓶不要让那些嫉妒你才能的人影响了你的计划。Don't let opposition from those envious of your talents daunt your progress.

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道特补充道水石的电子书阅读器计划是计划中的一部分。Daunt added that Waterstone's e-reader project was "well down the planning line".

这首歌曲的成功使得扬有些退避,自此之后他故意在现场唱片忽略这首歌曲。The song's success would daunt Young for the next three decades, and he has purposely omitted it from live sets since.

这是为了震慑敌军,吸引新兵,培养凝聚力和让团队更易识别。These were intended to daunt the enemy, attract recruits, foster unit cohesion, or allow easier identification of units.

如果我们每个人都能献出一点点爱心,那么还有什么困难能难倒我们呢?我们的社会又将是怎么一幅美好的景象啊!If each of us can give a little bit of love, then what difficulty can daunt us? Our society will be a better picture of how ah!

道特希望可以像美国邦诺书店一样允许顾客在他的296家门店里下载电子图书。Daunt said he wanted to allow customers to download ebooks inside its 296 British high street stores, like Barnes &Noble in the US.

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水石书店总经理詹姆斯·道特在周五告诉BBC,他们将要在2012年春季之前进入消费类电子领域。The high street retailer will make the ambitious leap into consumer electronics before spring 2012, Waterstone's managing director James Daunt told the BBC on Friday.