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他将自由的转移到英国南部的军港城市。He moves to Pompey on a free.

他让庞贝跑了您却让他活着?。He let Pompey go and you let him live?!

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我给出的答案是朴茨茅斯,我在为朴茨茅斯踢球。The answer I give is Pompey. That's who I play for.

里克估计与面貌一新的庞贝较量将不会容易。It won't by easy against a new-look Pompey reckons Rick.

罗马将领庞贝于公元前63年占领了耶路撒冷。Pompey was the Roman general who took over Jerusalem in 63 BCE.

对庞培而言,他需要在阵地站中击败恺撒以收回他的荣誉。For Pompey he needed to defeat Caesar in a pitched battle to regain his honour.

庞贝军团正在寻找一个新的左后卫,而布里吉正是他们的首选目标。Pompey are in the hunt for a new left back and Bridge is top of the wanted list.

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庞培和凯撒大的战斗,罗马控制对方。Pompey the Great and Julius Caesar were fighting each other for control of Rome.

朴斯茅斯昨天仅仅1球小负于联赛冠军的争夺者切尔西队。Pompey lost narrowly to title challengers Chelsea 1-0 at Fratton Park on Tuesday.

我已经得到了她的朴茨茅斯球衣,所以我以后也能得到她的国家队球衣。I've already got her the Pompey kit, so I'll have to get her an England one now as well.

相传西元前75年由庞培创建,当作屯兵之地。According to tradition, it was founded in 75 BC by Pompey the Great as a military settlement.

阿斯顿维拉下轮联赛将是客战朴茨茅斯,瑞典人积极地展望着这场比赛。Up next for Pompey is a visit to Portsmouth and the Swede is looking for a positive reaction.

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我记得朴茨茅斯在那场比赛的上一个周末击败了利物浦,但是对阵西汉姆,他们表现的很差。I recall that Pompey had defeated Liverpool the week before, but against W Ham they were poor.

元老和政府官员们扔下了一切,急急忙忙逃到庞培那里去避难。Senators and public officers left everything behind and hurried away to seek safety with Pompey.

当时庞培将军,在公元前一世纪,把海盗赶出了地中海。Pompey was the general who cleaned the pirates out of the Mediterranean in the first century BCE.

士兵们,庞培和元老院已经正式宣布了盖乌斯凯撒是罗马的公敌。Sodiers, Pompey and the Senate have formally declared that Gaius Julius Caesar is an enemy of Rome.

庞培从法萨罗逃亡埃及,在那里,法老托勒密十三世下达命令将其暗杀。Pompey fled from Pharsalus to Egypt, where he was assassinated on the order of Pharaoh Ptolemy XIII.

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希腊历史学家帕拉塔斯在普皮的生活也清晰地提到过密特拉崇拜在当时是十分流行。Plutarch 's Life of Pompey also makes it clear that the worship of Mithras was well known at that time.

庞贝清除了地中海的海盗,这点我们政府似乎办不到。Pompey had cleared the Mediterranean of pirates, which is something that our governments can't seem to do.

这位年轻法国人以一个赛季租借加入到庞贝,以便获得一线队比赛经验。The teenage Frenchman has joined Pompey on a season-long loan in order to build up his first-team experience.