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学术是自由探索与遵循规范的矛盾与辩证统一。Their relation in academic activities is both contradictive and unitive.

乌克鲍尔是一个矛盾、虚伪的人,肩负着与我们许多人一样的责任。Uxbal is a contradictive and hypocritical character with similar responsibilities to so many of us.

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制约高等院校公共英语教学的矛盾比较多。There exist many contradictive restrictions in public English teaching at colleges and universities.

情侣之间最矛盾的地方,就是幻想着彼此的未来,却惦记着彼此的过去。The most contradictive part between lovers is dreaming each other's future while dwelling on each other's past.

汇率波动是否会影响贸易出口,从历史文献看存在完全相反的观点。Whether the exchange rate can influence trade exports, from the literature review, there are contradictive views.

这种情感追求与当时的社会规范是相矛盾的,从而注定了它的悲剧性。The emotional seeking and the social regulation at that time were contradictive . Thus, it is doomed to be tragic.

政府与市场之间是两个不完善主体之间补充与被补充的、动态的、对立统一的关系。Government and market, the two imperfect bodies, complement each other and form dynamic and contradictive relation.

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文章从悖反的两个层面切入进行解读,企图挖掘出他们身上所蕴藏的当下现实意义。This paper analyses these from two contradictive aspects, and attempts to excavate the contemporary meaning hidden in them.

即便西方地震学研究者自己都认为现在占优势的地震学理论充满了相互矛盾的似是而非的说法。Even the Western seismology researchers themselves consider that the prevailing seismology theory is full of contradictive paradoxes.

一些研究学者曾含糊不明报告过在电浆处理期间的效能和元素转变的结果。Some researchers even report contradictive results of over-unit efficiency and elements transformation during plasma working process.

效率与公平之间并不存在绝对对立、此消彼长的替代关系,而是相辅相成的辨证统一关系。The relationship between efficiency and fairness is not absolutely contradictive but unified dialectically by supplementing each other.

现实世界的“天人相分”是矛盾而又混乱的,使人类陷入无休止的纷争之中而丧失了本性。The real world is contradictive and confused, and this leads human to sinking into the endless strife, and losing their natural character.

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对林语堂文集中的服饰观进行梳理,探讨林语堂矛盾服饰观的文化原因。Through systematizing clothing and apparels of Lin Yu-tang anthology, cultural reason for contradictive clothing and apparels is discussed.

女性话语的矛盾表达折射出当前女性时尚期刊的发展瓶颈,也迫切地需要发展新思路。Now the contradictive expression of feminine language is becoming the most important problem in the development of the female fashionable periodical.

求真求理、求实求效、求美求同的价值观对体育科学研究有着复杂而矛盾的导向作用。The value view of pursuing truth, efficiency and perfection plays a complicated and contradictive role in guiding researches on the science of sport.

文化产业是多种价值的矛盾统一体,所有的文化商品既具有经济价值,又具有文化价值和审美价值。The culture industry is a contradictive entity of many kinds of values. All the culture goods have economic value and cultural value and aesthetic value.

无独立请求权第三人制度的功能主要在于维护社会正义,促进诉讼经济、避免裁判矛盾。The function of the system of accessory intervener mainly lies in maintaining social justice, promoting economical litigation and avoiding contradictive judgment.

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第三,当“教学”和“教育”这两个概念相互冲突时,教学永远具有教育性就成了一个矛盾的命题。Thirdly when both" teaching"and" education"conflict with each other ideologically, teaching with eternally educational nature becomes a contradictive proposition.

在进行正负关联规则挖掘时,传统的支持度—置信度模式经常会挖掘出相互矛盾的规则。Some contradictive rules would be often mined when the traditional support and confidence mode is adopted to do the positive and negative association rules mining.

公平与效率之间既相矛盾又相统一,在不同的生产力发展水平、不同的经济体制下,公平与效率的关系表现出不同特征。Fairness and efficiency are contradictive and unified, under different productivity level and different economic systems, their relationship shows different characteristics.