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海洋灾害预报系统。Marine disaster forecasting system.

裂谷热预测和气候模型RVF forecasting and climatic models

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第8章为总结与展望部分。Chapter 8 is the summary and forecasting.

制订计划、展望未来。Formulating the plans. Forecasting the future.

目前,我们对于太阳风暴的预测能力还不足。At present, the forecasting ability for CMEs is spotty.

预测从来没有像现在这样重要——或更加艰难。Forecasting has never been more important -- or harder.

本文介绍了巴内托定律的预测原理。Forecasting principles and procedures of the law are explained.

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它违背了气象预报研究的精神。It is against the spirit of meteorological forecasting research.

代市长也承认天气预报并不总是精准。The acting Mayor admits their forecasting isn't always accurate.

同时也探讨了雨带类型的预报问题。The problem of rain-belt pattern forecasting was discussed, too.

然后利用RBF神经网络建立预测模型。Then a forecasting model is founded by using RBF neural network.

预测世界杯前三强是哪几个国家?Which the countries is forecasting world cup former final three?

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但是罗格夫警告说,不要把这种技能与预测划等号。But Rogoff cautioned against equating that skill with forecasting.

但是,对地震进行一年至十年数值范围的预测如何?But what about forecasting earthquakes on the year-to-decade scale?

气象专家预计今冬的气温将低于往年。Climate experts are forecasting a drop in temperatures this winter.

从而为隐伏溶洞的预测积累了经验。The experiences for forecasting covered karst cave are accumulated.

需求预测可以帮助管理者有效地使用资源。Demand forecasting helps managers to use their resources effectively.

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因此航段运量预测的研究是非常必要的。Therefore research of flight segment volume forecasting is necessary.

这种现象有一个术语,叫做“情感预测And the technical term for this by the way, is "affective forecasting."

识别和预测是人工神经网络的两大主要功能。Recognition and forecasting are two of the basic functions of the ANNs.