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设计了G代码编译运行环境。Designing G-Code compiling environment.

我的老师对设计机器人是个内行。My teacher is adept at designing robots.

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设计价目表是个讲究技巧的工作。Designing a pricing table is a tricky task.

设计数据仓库和数据集市。Designing the data warehouse and data mart.

在网络时代的今天,网站设计很重要。It's implant to designing website in Loday.

——顶层设计日臻成熟。Top-level designing is getting more mature.

设计并实现数据采集。Designing and implementing data acquisition.

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发绣从打样设计开始。Hair embroidery starts with motif designing.

小而美,小而省的外型设计,不佔空间。Outlook designing is space less, all-in- one.

大体上说,我最喜欢服装设计。On balance, dress designing appeals to me most.

他有设计漂亮衣服的才能。He has a talent for designing beautiful clothes.

导航设计的易于理解。Designing your navigations as easy to understand.

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设计了大理石花纹计算机识别系统。Designing computer-identifying system of marbling.

然后有一些美术人员设计我们的商标。Then there are the art people designing our logos.

应该每时每刻都考虑到应用程序的设置。Always consider designing the application settings.

设计有超时限制的并发阻塞队列Designing a concurrent blocking queue with timeouts

景观设计中过渡空间的处理。Process the transitive space in landscape designing.

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本文给出的方法对于卫星网设计有一定的帮助。This paper is useful to the satellite-net designing.

视觉设计着色程序和效果文件。Visually designing shader programs and effect files.

这个圣迪戈人1993年就开始做网址设计工作。Diego native has been designing Web sites since 1993.