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结论子宫内膜异位种植是本症的主要发病机制。Conclusion The major pathogenesis is endometrium ectopia and implantation.

目的研究我国单纯性晶状体异位家系的致病基因,并确定基因突变。Objective To identify the mutation gene of a Chinese family with ectopia lentis.

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方法对单纯性晶状体异位一家系进行临床研究和系谱分析。Methods Clinical observation and pedigree analysis were undertaken in a family with ectopia lentis.

结论脊神经节异位症临床少见,只要彻底松解神经根,可取得满意疗效。Conclusion The ectopia of spinal ganglion was rare in clinic. The good effect was got by thorough neurolytic operation.

目的探讨异位妊娠的发病相关因素,提出防治措施。Objectives To study the relative factor of occurrence of ectopia pregnancy, and take out the prevention and treating measure.

方法通过回顾性分析,对25例PICC异位的发生部位、置管途径、处理方法及结果进行研究、总结。Method The location, intubation pathway, treatment methods and outcomes in 25 cases of PICC ectopia were analyzed retrospectively.

结论睾丸横过异位是一种罕见的解剖异常,病因不明,宜采用手术治疗。Conclusion Transverse testicular ectopia is a rare anatomic abnormality. The etiology of TTE is unclear. The excellent management is operation.

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目的评价双相接种技术体外构建的组织工程骨在体内的成骨潜力和这种体外构建策略的可行性。Objective To explore the potential of ectopia osteogeny by tissue engineering bone fabricated by diphasic seeding technique and its feasibility.

研究成骨细胞在CHA支架材料上复合培养后构建的组织工程化骨组织的体内异位成骨能力,探讨适宜的组织工程化骨组织的构建方式。To explore the appropriate mode of fabricating tissue engineered bone, the ectopia osteogenesis in vivo of the tissue engineered bone fabricated by osteoblast cultured with CHA was studied.

一旦排除脑积水,需评价小脑下疝下移程度以及是否出现脊髓积水,基于临床症状可实施治疗。Once hydrocephalus is ruled out, the degree of tonsillar ectopia and the presence of hydromyelia are evaluated, than the treatment may be performed, based on the indication of clinical symptoms.

方法对我院10年间收治的259例异位妊娠病例的发病趋势,既往病史及节育状况、误诊情况作一回顾分析。Method Retrogade analysis is made to the occurrence trend, past history, anti-pregnancy condition and wrong diagnosis of 259 cases of ectopia pregnancy which were treated in our hospital in 10 years.