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我们房子的门朝南”。Ours is the southern door.

1887年,美国南加洲。S. southern California 1887.

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印度位于中国迤南。India locates southern china.

在南方的天空中发着光。Glowing in far Southern skies.

他滑稽地模仿她的南方口音。He mimicked her southern accent.

那间房子朝南。The house has a southern aspect.

皓月。当空。南半球。Full moon at southern hemisphere.

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它慢吞吞的,一步步的走上坡来。She speaks with a Southern drawl.

这间屋朝阳。The room has a southern exposure.

并非所有南方口音都是相似的。All southern accents are not alike.

中国的南方人则喜爱猫肉。Cats are popular in southern China.

宏村是典型的江南小镇。Hongcun is a typical southern town.

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那座建筑是朝南的。The building has a southern aspect.

能跟我们说一说南市场吗?Can you tell us about Southern Market?

兰德瑞典南部,马尔默以北的城市。A city of southern Sweden north of Malm?

比莉住在南半球。Billie lives in the southern hemisphere.

他说话夹杂着南方口音。He speaks with a slight southern accent.

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他说话带有很浓的南方口音。He speaks with a strong southern accent.

南加州低等电影学院。Southern California Junior Film College.

南墙根成了我们大杂院的菜园子。Southern wall into our courtyard garden.