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这种区分带来伤害。This distinction hurts.

你们看到区别了吗。You see the distinction.

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你们看到区别了吗?Do you see the distinction?

他的风格平淡无奇。His style lacks distinction.

这就是唯一的区别。So that's the only distinction.

金庸是一名优秀的作家。Jinyong is a writer of distinction.

那么,为什么罗尔斯要做这种区分呢?Why does Rawls make this distinction?

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那是语义上的区别,请说。That's the semantic distinction. Yeah.

他们必须要作出区分And so, they had to make a distinction.

这是一个没有标准的区别。This is a distinction without a metric.

在模型中,并没有这种区别。In models, there is no such distinction.

他在本周季第二周也曾获得过这一荣誉。He also earned the distinction in Week 2.

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在英语里,有一个性的差别。In English, there is a gender distinction.

伊瑟尔并未十分重视这个区别。Iser doesn't make much of the distinction.

她以散文作家闻名。She gained distinction as a writer of prose.

让我们来看看故事和情节的区别。Take the distinction between plot and story.

在指南中,请清楚地说明这一差别。In your guide, clearly state that distinction.

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我们这季节差别很明显。We have sharp distinction between the seasons.

我能清楚地辩别这两者之间的差别。I can make a clear distinction between the two.

我过会儿再回来讲这个问题I'll come back to this distinction in a minute.