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什么是句法关系?What are syntactic relations?

语法规则是复杂的Now, the syntactic rules are complicated.

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它降低的是语法复杂性。What it reduces is the syntactic complexity.

语法的糖衣会导致分号的癌症。Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semi-colons.

就像Lisp一样,Ioke提供了语法抽象。Just like Lisp, Ioke provides syntactic abstractions.

子语类特征属于句法特征。Sub-category features belonged to syntactic properties.

主谓谓语句是汉语的一种特殊句式。The lausal predicate is of unique syntactic pattern in Chinese.

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有没有其它的可选择的语法来实施这个想法呢?Are there syntactic alternatives to implementing this same idea?

语义配价与句法配价之间没有必然的一一对应的关系。The semantic and syntactic notions of valency need not coincide.

增加逐渐复杂化的句法结构知识。Developing knowledge of increasingly complex syntactic structures.

这两个实现的不同在于各自语法的差异。Syntactic differences are what separate these two implementations.

第三章论述连动句的句法平面中的若干问题。Chapter three discusses some problems of SVS in syntactic dimension.

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以往的倒装句研究是在句法平面内进行的。Previous research on inversion has been done at the syntactic level.

我们将这些现象看作是俄语句法体系中的繁化现象。We define them as transitional phenomena in Russian syntactic system.

句法具有句式变化多样、多用肯定句等特点。With the sentence syntactic diverse, multi-use certain words and so on.

然而,某些语义约束可以表达为语法约束。However, certain semantic constraints can be expressed as syntactic ones.

第三部分考察与“怎么”非疑问用法有关的句法问题。The third chapter studys syntactic issues of non-question usage of Zenmo.

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本研究考察跨语言句法启动及其机制。This study probed into the mechanism of cross-language syntactic priming.

增加日益复杂的书面句法结构方面的知识。Developing knowledge of increasingly complex written syntactic structures.

这种单向性的特点决定了应用对比只能从句法结构入手。Such a one-way contrast can be conducted only on their syntactic structure.