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我赶紧跑了过去。I hurried over. The 11

我也赶紧加入他们的行列。So I hurried to join them.

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一个冷冰冰的,面色苍白的修女匆匆走过。A cold, pale nun hurried by.

穿靴猫跑出去迎接他们。He hurried forward to meet her.

这时,天已经黑了,我快步跑回了家。It was dark and I hurried back.

于是基哈西追赶乃缦。So Gehazi hurried after Naaman.

他们被匆促调赴前线。They were hurried to the front.

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杰米赶忙去弄点牛奶。Jaimie hurried to get some milk.

他很快就把他的新车出手了。He hurried along with his new car.

我光着脚匆匆跑向窗边。I hurried barefooted to the window.

下课后黄振就赶忙回家了。Huang Zhen hurried home after class.

匆匆地穿过平野与坎坷Hurried through the smooth and rough

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在水泵底部安装排放管到排水管。We hurried to get the pump installed.

他迅速的跑回家去取他的巡逻警车。He hurried home to get his patrol car.

他匆忙过江到汉阳去。He hurried across the river to Hanyang.

彼得仓皇忙忙盗焓荥局去。Peter hurried to go to the post office.

已派出一个代表团赶往非洲。A delegation has been hurried to Africa.

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尼娜含糊地找了个借口就赶紧走开了。Nina murmured an excuse and hurried away.

他急于想知道事情的结局。He hurried to know the matter hatched out.

我沿着街道去往中国城的中心。I hurried along to the heart of Chinatown.