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一切都事先料理好了。It had been arranged beforehand.

没人事先预料到这事。No one expected this beforehand.

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我预先作了准备.I had made preparations beforehand.

他预先提醒过我这件事.He warned me beforehand what to expect.

她总是预先付房租。She is always beforehand with the rent.

实际上我是想事先通知你的。Actually I meant to notify you beforehand.

骡罣实际上我是想事先通知你的。Actually I meant to notify you beforehand.

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第三,泡茶前先要暖壶。Thirdly, the pot should be warmed beforehand.

最好的办法莫过于早作准备。I am going to get everything ready beforehand.

我们预祝你事业成功。We congratulate you beforehand on your success.

你最好事先在那里划一条白线。You'd better mark a white line there beforehand.

也许,他早已在脑海中部署了对答的方案。Perhaps he had worked out his strategy beforehand.

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事前提供病人强的热脉冲。To give the patient strong heat pulses beforehand.

而事前你并不清楚这对客户来说是一件忌讳的事。And you were unsure that it was offensive beforehand.

我们需要提前打印出我们的登记牌吗?Do we need to print off our boarding passes beforehand?

他多半已事先在一个大餐馆里大吃了一顿。He had probably pigged out in a fast-food place beforehand.

可假如没有事先告知,便构成价格欺诈。If do not have, can inform beforehand , make the price con.

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首先,检查一下你是否需要预先注册。First, check whether you are required to register beforehand.

为了安全起见,我认为您应该预先保价为好。For safetys sake, I reckon youll have to insure it beforehand.

每隔几个小时重复使用,但要先冲洗并弄干皮肤。Reapply every few hours, rinsing and drying the skin beforehand.