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本研究为魔芋的快速繁殖提供了新的手段。This study provided a new tool for rapid reproduction of Amorpho- phallus.

将四根手指和大拇指结成环状,就好像握住JB一样。Bring the fingers and thumb together as if holding a phallus near the forehead.

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重300吨长59英尺的TSF-18离心机看上去像是个巨大的男性生殖器。Weighing 300 tons and measuring 59 feet long, it looks like a giant blue phallus.

被阉割的男性主体始终处于菲勒斯中心的阴影之下,而女人比男人更能成为一个超越菲勒斯的自由主体。While castrated men live in the shadow of phallus, women could go beyond phallus. She will be freer subject.

终究这是一本书,在里面一个友好的人首马身怪物可以从他“巨大的”生殖器中发出“火弧”让一个即将死去的少女复活。This is a book, after all, in which a friendly centaur can revive a languishing maiden with an 'arc of fire' from its 'enormous' phallus.

“父亲之名”体现的是父亲的“菲勒斯”作用,即他在法律与经济方面的象征意义。What "the Name-of-the-Father" really reflects is father's " phallus " function, or his symbolic significance in law and economic aspects.

更在自己创造的文本中,有意识地解构了以男性为中心的书写传统,显现出力图颠覆“菲勒斯”中心文化的理想光辉。What's more, she deconstructs the writing tradition of male center, reflecting her ideal of demolishing the dominant culture of "phallus".

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本文详细地分析了爱得娜,一位觉醒了的新女性,在这个被菲勒斯文化曲解的世界,自我的女性意识的复苏过程。This article makes a detailed analysis of the process of resurgence of the self-awareness of Edna, an awakening modern woman, who was distorted by Phallus culture.

“双性同体”是女权主义批评中的一个重要概念,而女权主义者对这一概念的两种截然相反的态度均直指菲逻各中心主义。"Androgyny" is an important concept of feminist criticism. Though there are two opposite attitudes towards it, they both aim at the phallus -logos-centric tradition.

通过对野生白鬼笔菌蕾进行无土处理及有土栽培分组,研究了不同大小的菌蕾在不同的温度条件下的生长发育及出菇情况。Under the different temperatures, the growth &mushroom-budding condition of different size of Phallus impudicus fungus-bud which treated with culture soil and non-soil were studied.

其中重新追求身份的关键是要能悼念欲望、菲勒斯的失去,并通过创造新的欲望客体使自己保持追求新身份的动力。As far as the redefinition of identity concerned, it is crucial to succeed in mourning the loss of the phallus and to create new objects of desire so as to drive to find new identity.

但是即使是大裤衩准备好了,对于烧焦的建筑的残骸,这一事实已经众人皆知,现在由于它的外形,又有人称之为“睾丸”。But even if the trousers are ready, there is no word on what will happen to the ashen remains of a structure known by locals, because of its shape and location, as the "little phallus ".

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山谷、栅栏和菊花为主要意象,分别代表爱丽莎作为女性所承受的自然环境、菲勒斯文化和性三个方面的压抑。The valley, the fence and the chrysanthemums symbolizes respectively the repression from the nature environment, phallus culture and sexual consciousness that Elisa receives as a female.

在性心理和性别理论分析过程中,小弟弟占据着中央主题地位,这是不言而喻的。It being self evident that the phallus occupies a central theme in the psychoanalytic theories of gender and sexuality, the course occupies a pivotal role in the Intercultural and Queer program.