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它标志着肉体的胜利。It marks the triumph of the carnal.

肉体本能甲胄不再享有护甲加成。Harness of Carnal Instinct no longer has bonus armor.

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暴饮暴食曾被称为肉体的堕落。Gluttony and drunkenness have been called carnal vices.

一切不能忍受试验的,都不过是肉体的信心。All that will not bear to be tested is mere carnal confidence.

刮宫后13天发生性关系。刮宫后13天发生性关系。Have carnal knowledge of last 13 day the dilatation and curettage.

保罗强调体贴肉体的是“不服上帝的律法,也是不能服。”Paul stressed that the carnal mind "is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."

他们离开了家庭骨肉,在修会里组成了精神方面的家庭。They have dissolved the carnal family, and constituted in their community a spiritual family.

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任何事物的存在,都有其表现形式,譬如灵魂,就必须依托肉体才能存在。The existence of aught, its behave a form, for example soul, must rely on carnal ability to exist.

行动涅磐有两类,这有两种肉身或四种肉体。Action Parinirvana possesses two kinds, which may have the two carnal bodies or four carnal bodies.

我要看看怎样的家务,做到什么程度会让我们在房事中如鱼得水。I had to find out to what degree certain household chores would translate into an evening of carnal bliss.

通过悔改和成圣,我们可以使体贴肉体的心完全变成基督的心。Through conversion and sanctification, we may have the carnal mind totally transformed into the mind of Christ.

他们吵完架之后马上就要求过性生活,希望用肉体的温存来解决感情上的冲突。After they quarrel, ask to live sexual life immediately, the hope resolves soulful conflict with carnal attentive.

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我是一个正直的人,力求在这淫欲的人世尽我的责任,反对一切罪恶和不忠不信的行为。I am an honest man, seeking to do my duty in this carnal universe, and set my face against all vice and treachery.

同样地,本来看似坚固稳妥的事物,会因我们软弱的信心而动摇垮掉。Things which looked firm and stable rock in the blast, and many and great are the falls among our carnal confidences.

为了对外保持一个假象,好显得他这所潮湿漏风的石砌山间农舍是个寻欢纵欲的绝妙之处。To sustain the illusion that his damp and drafty stone farmhouse in the hills was a golden palace of carnal delights.

爱和肉戏是诱惑力唯一的精炼炉,是女人制造出最细腻和敏感用来诱惑男人的。Love and the carnal act are only so much seductive finery, the most refined and subtle invented by women to seduce men.

这些事连那饮食和诸般洗濯的规矩,都不过是属肉体的条例,命定到振兴的时候为止。Which stood only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed on them until the time of reformation.

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方才中年人,受伤一是因为大意,而是没有用气力防护身体,完全凭借肉体的防御,所以才会受伤。Just middle age, get ache a for of the gist, but is to don't use physical strength protection body, completely with borrow carnal barricade, so would get hurt.

爱世界的心以及财富之陷阱,试图扼杀我们内心中的每一个良善。我们变得烦躁、丧胆、骄傲、属肉体。The cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches are apt to choke everything good within us, and we grow fretful , desponding, perhaps proud and carnal.

摩西与约瑟确实面临如此无法抵抗的本性与肉体欲望的吸引力,以至我们每读到此几乎都要为他们战栗了。Indeed Moses and Joseph were confronted with such an overpowering appeal to the natural, carnal appetites that we almost tremble for them as we read the account.