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行动是可以慰藉的。Action is consolatory.

友谊,是我痛苦灵魂的温柔的安慰者。Friendship is a soft consolatory person on my miserable spirit.

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行动是可以慰籍的。它是思想的敌人,是幻想的朋友。Action is consolatory , It is the enemy of thought and the friend of flattering illusions.

伊木真、阿弥和露意丝都急于要安慰他几句,可是一时找不出话来。Imogene, Amy, and Louise were anxious to be consolatory , but they did not know what to say.

这番话本来是想用作母亲的前景来开导产妇,但显然没有产生应有的效果。Apparently this consolatory perspective of a mother's prospects failed in producing its due effect.

作为受害者的中国慰安妇,不论在肉体上还是在精神上都是受害程度最深者。The victim of this incident, the Chinese consolatory women had suffered most mentally and physically.

行动是可以慰籍的。它是思想的敌人,是幻想的朋友。----约瑟夫。康拉德。Action is consolatory , It is the enemy of thought and the friend of flattering illusions. ----Joseph Conrad.

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行动是可慰藉的。他是思想的敌人,是闪耀的幻想的朋友。Action is consolatory . It is the enemy of thought and the friend of glittering illusions. -----Joseph Conrad, British novelist.

行动是可以慰藉的。它是思想的敌人,是幻想的朋友---约瑟夫·康拉德,出生于波兰的英国小说家。Action is consolatory. It is the enemy of thought and the friend of flattering illusions---Joseph Conrad, Polish British novelist.

但是作为加害者的日本政府对待原中国慰安妇的态度又是最不公平的。But, the Japanese government, as the responsible subject of this action, has given the Chinese victim, the former consolatory women the most unfair treatment.