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阿进行普查每十年一次。A census is carried out once a decade.

我认为你说的是人口普查。No Brian, I think you mean for the census.

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阿尔巴尼亚族人拒绝参加1991年的人口普查。Ethnic Albanians boycotted the 1991 census.

但是,这份调查彻底驳倒了他的言论。The census disproves these claims completely.

他们会要求普查局工作人员进行走访。This will require a visit by a census worker.

人口普查4月贡献约6.6万个岗位.Census hiring contributed 66,000 jobs in April.

人口普查一直是人们争论的主题。The census is the subject of perennial squabbles.

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而保留职位所占席位的人口比例还是在1931年的人口普查的基础上确定的。Reservations are based on data from the 1931 census.

人口普查少算了农业人口。The census undercounted the agricultural population.

中国的人口普查人员都比越南人口多。China has more census takers than Vietnam has people!

最终,他们决定在人口普查之后结婚。In the end, they decided to get married after census.

在1931年的人口普查中,印度把种性人口不计算在内。India has not counted caste in its census since 1931.

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这是对人口普查事后质量检查工作的一项重大改进。It was a major improvement on census post-quality survey.

明笨者的传感器对人口调查废话敏感。A sensible man's sensor is sensitive to nonsense on census.

明智者的传感器对人口观察废话迟钝。A sensible manis sensor is sensitive to nonsense on census.

明智者的传感器对人口调查废话敏感.A sensible man’s sensor is sensitive to nonsense on census.

他向记者透露了普查员如何统计无家可归者的人数。He told us how census workers count people who are homeless.

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罗伯特.M.格洛夫斯,美国联邦人口统计局局长Robert M. Groves, Director of the United States Census Bureau

没有任何人,除了人口普查局的Univac电脑。No one, that is, except a Census Bureau computer named Univac.

塞迪说,人口普查中的第15至22项是关于一个人的生计状况。Questions 15 to 22 of the census pertains to one's livelihood.