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马丁路德去世。Martin Luther died.

小马丁。路德。京博士。Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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还是马丁路德金的梦?Is it Martin Luther King's dream?

马丁路德金有一个梦想。Martin Luther King . Jr has a dream.

路德宗在中国活动范围甚广。Luther broad range of activities in China.

本周,我们欢庆了马丁·路德·金日。This week we celebrated Martin Luther King Day.

啤酒是人造的,葡萄酒是神创的。——马丁·路德。Beer is made by men, wine by God. ― Martin Luther.

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马丁·路德·金的梦是美国之梦。Martin Luther King's dream was the American Dream.

出于形式,路德先是被要求公开认错。For form’s sake, Luther was first invited to recant.

马丁·路德金会认为自己能够梦想成真吗?Would Martin Luther King feel his Dream was attained?

“哥们儿,这是马丁路德·金的名言啊”其中一个孩子说道。Dude, that’s Martin Luther King Jr.,” one of the kids said.

马丁·路得·金自认是甘地的信徒。Martin Luther King considered himself a disciple of Gandhi.

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怒火中烧的马丁·路德把95个神学人员钉到教堂门上。An angry Martin Luther nailed 95 theocrats to a church door.

1483年马丁路德出生于德国,萨克森,艾斯莱本。Martin Luther was born in 1483 at Eisleben, Saxony, Germany.

马丁路德金被认为是民主运动的英雄。Martin Luther King was seen as a hero of democratic movement.

马丁。路德。金,美国黑人民权运动领袖。Martin Luther King Jr. African-American Civil Rights activist.

这个梦就是马丁。路德。金四十五年前设想的。Martin Luther King Jr. had envisioned forty-five years earlier.

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马丁。路得。金1964年曾获得诺贝尔和平奖。Martin Luther King, Jr. , who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964

马丁·路德·金与柯瑞塔·斯科特在1953年6月18日成婚,在之后的日子里,这对夫妇养育了四名子女。Martin Luther King, Jr., married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953.

马丁路德金是位著名的人权运动领导人。Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , was a renowned civil rights leader.