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智利硝石。Chile saltpeter.

智利硝石。Chile saltpetre.

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然后布兰登前往智利。And Brandon left for Chile.

从智利的硝石矿里。From saltpeter mines in Chile.

智利仍然是一支经济劲旅。Chile remains an economic stalwart.

您好!我要去智利的圣地亚哥。Buenos días! Voy a Santiago de Chile.

智利队以B组第二的成绩出线。Chile qualified as second in Group B.

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智利拉古那圣拉斐尔国家公园Laguna San Rafael National Park, Chile

卡本纳-佛朗是智利的一颗小宝石。Cabernet Franc is a small gem for Chile.

智利已放弃其全部库存。Chile has given up its entire stockpile.

此外,在16强赛中,巴西还以3-0横扫智利。They swept Chile aside 3-0 in the last 16.

这些国家是美国、加拿大和智利。These countries are USA, Canada, and Chile.

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与此同时,我们大家都必须对智利保持信心。In the meantime, we must all have confidence in Chile.

智利与海地都处于动荡不安的大型地震断层带上。Both Chile and Haiti sit atop large, volatile fault lines.

智利和乌拉圭许多航班被取消。Many flights in Chile and Uruguay have also been cancelled.

马尔伯勒,智利,加州,南非,澳大利亚。Marlborough , Chile , California , South Africa , Australia.

智力北部的阿塔卡马沙漠是世界上最干的沙漠。The Atacama in northern Chile is the driest desert on Earth.

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智利是南美最重要的新世界葡萄酒生产国。Chile is the most import South Amecia new-world wine country.

拉戈斯重申,智利将坚持奉行一个中国的政策。Lagos reiterated that Chile would adhere to one China policy.

如今,佳美娜更是成为智利的代表性红葡萄品种。Today, Carmenere becomes the symbolic grape variety in Chile.