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他是一个禁烟的宣传者。He is an apostle of temperance.

主耶稣也是这样鼓励使徒彼得。Jesus did this with the Apostle Peter.

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因为保罗是马吉安最喜欢的使徒。Because Paul was Marcion's fave,fave apostle.

使徒保罗所说的范围何其广阔!How wide is this assertion of the Apostle Paul!

他们作出虚假含沙射影对使徒。They make false insinuations against the Apostle.

她母亲是健康饮食矢志不渝的倡导者。Her mother was a dedicated apostle of healthy eating.

特格拉成为自己的使徒,传播讯息。Thecla becomes her own Apostle spreading the message.

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他曾抓住一个使徒,叫他说他不认得主。He got one apostle to say he did not even know Christ.

我们主意用小容器包装这批货。We apostle application abate alembic to pack the goods.

这正是使徒保罗对歌罗西教会的教导。That's what the apostle Paul taught the church at Colosse.

记住,“使徒“在希腊文里意思只是“被派出去的人Remember "apostle" just means "one who is sent out" in Greek.

我们主意用小容器包装这批货。We apostle application minusculeer alembic to pack the goods.

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使徒约翰告诉我们,是神赐给我们的爱。The apostle John points us to the love that God lavishes on us.

她是唯一能用空想具现化的死徒。She is the only Dead Apostle who managed to use Marble Phantasm.

为了30条金子而把耶稣出卖给了他的敌人的使徒。Apostle who betrayed Jesus to his enemies for 30 pieces of silver.

发起人立即造了一份遥控马达的报价单。The apostle alertly made a citation for the limited control motors.

使徒保罗形容慷慨或施予是一种恩典的行为。The apostle Paul describes generosity, or giving, as an act of grace.

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它记录了使徒约翰在拔摩海岛所看到的异象。It covers what the apostle John saw in a vision on the Island of Patmos.

我为这福音奉派作传道的,作使徒,作师傅。And of this gospel I was appointed a herald and an apostle and a teacher.

因天主的旨意作基督耶稣宗徒的保禄与弟茂德弟兄。Paul, apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God and Timothy our brother.