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死了一个黑鬼。Killed a nigger.

再叫我一声黑鬼!Call me a nigger again!

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我的表今天有点疯疯的。My watch is being a nigger today.

混蛋!你想死吗,黑鬼?Shit! You wanna get killed, nigger?

他会来带我这老黑奴回家的。He'll come tek dis ole nigger home agin.

他们都在撒谎,那个黑人可能除外。They'll all lie. Leastways all but the nigger.

那个黑人可能除外。我不认识他。Leastways all but the nigger. I don't know him.

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“黑鬼”是“非洲裔美国人”的粗直语说法。"Nigger" is a dysphemistic term for "African-American".

“我要去活剥那个黑鬼的皮,”他低声说。I'm going to skin that nigger alive, " he said quietly."

别装傻黑鬼你知道我是谁你拿到钱了吗?Don't play dumb , nigger. You know who this is. You got my money?

真是白人的耻辱,他们还找黑鬼帮忙!Embarrass the whole white race and they got some nigger help too!

可能是她用的那个黑鬼在院子里打死了一条蛇或一只老鼠。It's probably just a snake or a rat that nigger of hers killed in the yard.

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我看见有个穿着耐克的黑人抱着台电视在路上跑。I saw this nigger in Nikes running down the road with a huge TV in his arms.

白人暴徒不仅袭击黑人游行者,也袭击被他们称为“黑人同情者”的白人。The white mob attect both black marchers and white ones, calling them"the nigger lovers".

他答应要到黑奴的房间里去,在早上偷偷把一只洋葱头放到杰姆的咖啡壶里。He promised he would go to the nigger cabins and drop one, private, in Jim's coffeepot, in the morning.

一个女黑奴从厨房飞快地奔出来,手里拿着一根擀面棍,使劲喊道,“小虎,你给我滚开!A nigger woman come tearing out of the kitchen with a rolling-pin in her hand, singing out, " Begone YOU Tige!"

各地的黑奴从老远的地方来听听杰姆讲述这种种经过,他成了这一方黑奴中间最受抬举的人。Niggers would come miles to hear Jim tell about it, and he was more looked up to than any nigger in that country.

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但是,他真正明白的是他并不比那些富人家的黑人奴仆好到哪去。But indeed he knew that he wasn't much better than any of those nigger servants who worked in those rich families.

但是,他真正明白的是他并不比那些富人家的黑人奴仆好到哪去。But indeed he knew that he wasn’t much better than any of those nigger servants who worked in those rich families.

他认为英国革命在望,之后突然发现你会坏他的事。He thought the English revolution was just around the corner. Then suddenly he found you were the nigger in the woodpile.