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入乡随俗。Do in Rome as Romans do.

翻到罗马书部分。Now turn over to Romans.

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罗马人为什么这么安排?Why did the Romans do that?

罗马通过税收繁荣。The Romans prospered by taxation.

入乡随俗。When in Rome do as the Romans do.

埃及和罗马崇拜珍珠。Egyptians and Romans worshiped it.

希律王是罗马人的傀儡。King Herod was a puppet of the Romans.

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那些该死的罗马人还在统治。Those damn Romans are still in charge.

汉尼拔于公元前216年打败了罗马军。Hannibal defeated the Romans in 216 BC.

罗马人也是这样。So this is the same way with the Romans.

这成为了罗马人重要的活动。That's the big thing for the Romans later.

古罗马圆形竞技场会告诉我们很多关于罗马人的故事。The Colosseum says a lot about the Romans.

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加拉赫,你还不了解罗马人吗?Galahad , do you still not know the Romans?

罗马客人在这,我们一定要为凯撒干杯。There are Romans here we must drink to Caesar.

保罗知道罗马人钉死了耶稣。Now Paul knows that the Romans crucified Jesus.

不过格外令罗马人着迷的还是丝绸。It was silk, though, which fascinated the Romans.

昨天我们参观了古罗马的公共集会广场。Yesterday we visited the forum of ancient Romans.

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罗马书第八章告诉我们灵程的真义。Romans 8 tells us what true spirituality involves.

作为例子,则是斯巴达人和罗马人。As examples, there are the Spartans and the Romans.

一些著名的竞技场都是罗马人修建的。Some famous amphitheatres were built by the Romans.