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更多的关于挖掘自信心的方法.More ways to unearth unshakeable confidence.

我们对宗教自由的承诺必须坚定不移。And our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakeable.

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这意味着裁判员必须是强硬的,果断的和坚定不移的。This means the officials must be firm, decisive and unshakeable.

足球腐败甚至让不可动摇的罗西也感到震惊。The rottenness in football shocked even the unshakeable Mr Rossi.

既然如此,孙继海的主力地位当然不可动摇。Such being the case, Sun Jihai's main force status is certainly unshakeable.

多年的习惯使得我们对手机产生了一种不可动摇的信念。After years of conditioning, we have developed an unshakeable faith in cellphones.

这个人笑着对冰兰说,冰蓝绝对是义无反顾的答应了下来。The man smiled at the ice balaam said, blue is absolutely unshakeable promised to come down.

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定力是指事物性质具有不可动摇的内力。The maintaining power means that the property of an object has an unshakeable internal power.

在你的头脑中无比要有坚定不移的、你成功达成目标的图像。There has to be in your mind the unshakeable image of yourself succeeding at the goal you have set yourself.

灵性所带给你的是对恒常的真知,以及屹立不摇的实存,与上述的暂存感正好相反。Against this sense of temporary existence spirit offers you the knowledge of permanence and unshakeable being.

朋友们,在你最悲观失望的时候,那正是你必须鼓起坚强的信心的时候。Friends, it is when you feel most lost and defeated, that you must have the utmost and unshakeable confidence.

但是,他说,基地组织并不代表伊斯兰,而美国致力于维护宗教自由是“不可动摇的”。But he said al-Qaida does not represent Islam, and America's commitment to religious freedom "must be unshakeable."

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但是也有人相信索兹伯格家族的精神与这份报纸联系得是如此之紧密,即便遭逢危机也不可动摇。But there are those who believe the ethos of the family is so deeply committed to the paper that it will remain unshakeable.

当时和现在一样,许多投机者在华尔街已不可动摇的信念在美国联邦储备的能力,永葆党去。Then, as now, many speculators on Wall Street had unshakeable faith in the Federal Reserve's ability to keep the party going.

她们看起来似乎有不可动摇的信心,但当我更多地了解她们之后发现,在她们所有的不安中,外貌竟然排在第一位!They seemed to have unshakeable self confidence – but when I got to know them better, all their insecurities – often about their looks!

米克尔证实在的更衣室里面有一种不可动摇的信念,认为俱乐部会夺取四个冠军奖杯而结束本赛季。Mikel admits there is an unshakeable belief inside the Stamford Bridge dressing room that the club can end the campaign with four trophies.

奥巴马也并未给巴以僵局带来任何新想法,只不过是再次重申了对以色列的安全保证。Nor did Obama offer any really new ideas on the Israeli-Palestinian impasse, reiterating the "unshakeable" US commitment to Israel's security.

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可以肯定的是,无论现实中出现怎样的波折,中国走向一个开放、自由、崇尚生活而非政治的社会不可动摇。Surely, no matter what twists and turns a reality, the Chinese towards an open, free, advocating social life rather than political unshakeable.

西蒙尼表示了对球队未来的坚定信念,而球队经历的失败也消散了那些怀疑。The stumbles suffered by the team scattered doubts on the National Team's future although Simeone shows an unshakeable faith on what is to come.

借鉴和运用传统民居的精华来建造一个具有地方文化和民族特色的现代人居环境是建筑师不可推卸的责任。It is an unshakeable responsibity for architects to avail the essence of traditional residents to construct modern residential environment with both local culture and national features.