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我就是我,我很好。I am me and Iam okey.

我很抱歉害了她。Iam so sorry I killed her.

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我去和歌利亚打。Iam going to fight Goliath.

你说我交运是什么旨趣?What do you mean Iam lucky?

希望我没有麻烦到你。Ihope Iam not bothering you.

我恐怕是中暑了。Iam afraid I've got sunstroke.

听到这新闻我很欢跃。Iam gladvertisements to hear that.

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我有422个朋友,但我还是很孤单。I have 422 friends, yet Iam lonely.

我确信他处于亚健康状态。Iam sure he is in a sub-health state.

我休了10天的假,假期过后有一大堆工作要做。Iam swapped with work after 10-day holiday.

我写这篇文章的题材来自于北斯堪的纳维亚半岛。Iam writing this from Northern Scandinavia.

我感觉本身是世界上最幸福的人了。I feel Iam the happiest person in the world.

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我打定向他提出一个他不可能屏绝的条件。Iam gonna make him a suggestion he canat refuse.

我是这儿的接待员,接待离开我们酒店。Iam the receptionist here- welcome to our hotel.

在我独自在家时,我常做这种事。This usually happens when Iam in the house alone.

你应该早点告诉我,我是一个饼干爱好者。You should have told me earlier. Iam cookie lover.

你也许不能信任,但那是事实。You may not existlieve itand but Iam telling the truth.

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相信我是你们招聘的官位的最好人选。I think Iam the right person for the job you advertised.

他骄傲地站在我的身旁,看着我加入骑士团。He stands proudly at my side as Iam inducted into the Order.

我在寻找一句话,我在寻找一句没人知道的话。Iam looking for a word. I am looking for a word that nobody knows.