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自负的人是自己最好的朋友。Egotism is obesity of the head.

他被贪婪的私欲所左右。He was dominated by greedy egotism.

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个人言语的表达不过是自我中心主义罢了。Personal utterance was only egotism.

我们生活在鼓励实现自我价值的文化里。We live in a culture that encourages egotism.

有些人把它理解为是一种自负的表现。Some people may also interpret it as a sign of egotism.

自负是为了麻痹因为愚蠢带来痛楚的麻醉剂。Egotism is the anesthetic that dulls the pain of stupidity.

许多自杀案例中,案主的自尊受到某种形式的威胁似乎是个因素。A form of threatened egotism seems to be a factor in many suicides.

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好了,先不在这里自我吹嘘了,我还有更忙的事情呢!Liking wasn't in my egotism first, do I still have more busy affair!

“你的自大会送了你的命。”瑞金特一边走向门口,一边说。"Your egotism will be the death of you, " the Regent said from the door.

因为自我是时间的剩余物,它削弱了我们互动的品质。Since egotism is a leftover of time, it diminishes the quality of our interactions.

贝娄对“他者”马德琳的态度,客观上反映了作家的自我中心意识与男性沙文主义思想。Bellow's attitude to Madeleine suggests the writer's own egotism and male Chauvinism.

言语冲突是校园中不可回避的一种社会文化现象,其实质是利己主义。Speech conflict is an inevitable social-cultural phenomenon at school and its nature is egotism.

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第二章集中分析了在船长亚哈的自尊自大的光环下的人与自然的关系型。Chapter two focuses on another mode of man-nature relationship in the colored light of Ahab's egotism.

不管人们对“姓名字母效应”作何解释,没有人怀疑“自大”理论在某种程度上起到了一定作用。Whatever the explanation for the name-letter effect, no one really disputes that egotism is involved on some level.

这是一种独特的表现他们对于自我为中心的完全鄙视以及表面美的重要性。They are a distinct expression of their complete disdain for egotism and the significance of superficial good looks.

站在空旷大地之上,我的头脑沐浴于欢欣大气并升腾于无限空间,一切卑劣的自高自大和自我中心消失无踪。Standing on the bare. ground, my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space, all egotism vanishes.

对于自我及自负,我总是有些迷惑,因为我直觉上认为它们都会妨碍理解。I've always been a bit confused about self and egotism because I instinctively felt both were barriers to understanding.

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除此之外,人们还把高离婚率的原因归结为当今随意接受西方价值观和物质至上,自我至上的官僚主义作风的现状。Still others attribute it to indiscriminate adoption of Western values and "bourgeois ideas" of materialism and egotism.

高庆称,80后常因缺乏经验、过于自我,而不能妥善处理家庭关系。Gao said that the post-80s generations do not deal well with family relations because of lack of experience and too much egotism.

怒火,暴力,进攻性,自大和对别人的轻视混杂在一起,今天除了在田径场上,你还能在哪看到如此夸张的表演?Where else can you now see greater displays of temper, violence, aggression, egotism and contempt for others than on a sports field?