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如果能办到我就设法让他们谈一元论。I'm going to get them started on monism if I can.

在一定意义上,这也许是一元论的固有困难。In a way, it may be the inherent difficulty in monism.

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第一节,分析凯尔森法与国家一元论的是针对什么提出的。Section I, the author reveald what Kelsen proposed his monism of law and state for.

第一部分对戴维森异态一元论思想的提出、发展和论证进行梳理。Part one tries to clear up the raising, development and argument of the Anomalous Monism.

第四节,描述了凯尔森法与国家一元论的主要特征。Section IVis a description of the main features of the monism of law and state of Kelsen.

凯尔森通过两个进路来建构其法与国家一元论的。In Kelsen's theoretical structure, he approached the monism of law and state in two roads.

多元主义,我认为不存在威胁,对我所阐释的尼采的一元论。So the pluralism by itself, I think, doesn't pose a threat to my account of Nietzsche's monism.

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第三部分,分析了凯尔森法与国家一元论的理论结构。Chapter III is an analyze of the theoretical structure in the monism of law and state of Kelsen.

虽然monistic哲学日期从古代希腊,任期一元是比较近期的事。Although monistic philosophies date from ancient Greece, the term monism is comparatively recent.

然而,古典论坛认识论的一元论在目前的时间是被称为专制。However, the classical forum of epistemological Monism at the present time is known as Absolutism.

因此,本文沿用的是文体一元论,而非文体二元论或“多元论”的观点。Therefore, this thesis follows the line of stylistic monism rather than stylistic dualism or 'pluralism'.

价值“一元论”和“多元论”之争由来已久,核心是对价值规定性的理解不同。The key to the value controversy of monism and pluralism is the different understanding of the value origin.

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最后指出,一元论是人文地理学方法论革新的方向。The paper point out finally that monism is the direction in which the human geography methodology works for.

其次对严格责任的含义,在对一元论观点进行反驳的基础上,从多元论视角进行了分析界定。Next has carried on the analysis to the strict responsibility meaning from monism and the pluralism two angles.

它从以往提倡的绝对论转向相对论、从一元论转向多元论、从独断论转向自由论。This is a shift from previous absolutism to relativism, from monism to pluralism, from dogmatism to liberalism.

在唯物的一元论学派出现以前很久你们那根据早就被挖掉了,早没了基础。Long before the school of materialistic monism arose, the ground was removed so that there could be no foundation.

斯腾伯格试图用三元智力理论来调和多元智力观与一元智力观的矛盾。Sternberg wanted to coordinate the contradiction between monism and pluralism with the theory of triple intelligence.

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因此,必须建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的统一的分配制度即收入分配一元论。Thus, it is imperative that a unified distribution system and monism be established in line with socialist market economy.

一元主义被用来反驳二元,通过定义来了解后者,设想形成二元主义。So here the being monism is used to refute value dualism, understanding the latter as by definition positing being dualism.

这种“强一元论”特征的进一步升华,表现为语境论在科学实在论中渗透和发展的必然走势。The enhancement of the characteristics of "strong monism" is embodied in the permeation of contextualism in scientific realism.