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我会少讲究些卫生。I would be less hygienic.

你们会疑惑我多长时间洗一次澡。If I was really hygienic.

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安全可靠,清洁卫生。Safety and dependable, clean and hygienic.

这一问题是纯粹的卫生检疫问题。This is simply a hygienic inspection issue.

谢拉创新公司的帕丽卫生门把手Xela Innovations Purleve Hygienic Door Handle

方法采用劳动卫生学调查方法。To adopt labor hygienic investigational method.

饮食服务区须保持清洁,符合卫生要求。Food service areas should be kept clean and hygienic.

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有星级宾馆,卫生条件不错。Available are high-class hotels in hygienic conditions.

方法采用劳动卫生学调查方法。Methods To adopt labor hygienic investigational method.

山庄为“绿色饭店”、爱国卫生先进单位。Which is a "green hotel" and an advanced hygienic unit.

卫生应急反应的善后处理。Hygienic fight-flight reaction damage control processing.

显然,涮涮锅更卫生、更方便,也更加实惠。Obviously it's more hygienic , more convenient and more economical.

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他们常作报告,告诫孩子们养成良好的卫生习惯。They often give talks, advising children to acquire hygienic habits.

了解金湖县糕点食品的卫生状况。To understand the hygienic situation of pastry food in Jinhu County.

运用清洁的营运理念,降低生鲜食品的损耗率。Moreover, a hygienic internal operation will minimize your fresh food loss.

同时测定了垃圾有机无机复合肥的养分含量、卫生学指标、重金属含量。The content of nutrient and heavy metal and hygienic standard were measured.

在我国,使用不洁卫生用品是造成VVC的主要因素之一。In China, using more dirty hygienic articles is one of the factors causing VVC.

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为宝宝的健康,请6-8周更换奶嘴。We recommend that you replace the nipples every 6-8 weeks for hygienic purposes.

2008年,有26亿人仍不能获得卫生厕所或者安全厕所。In 2008 2.6 billion people still had no access to a hygienic toilet or safe latrine.

电阻式测温棒使温度设定更精准,更安全卫生。Resistance temperature sensor makes temperature setting more accurate, safe and hygienic.