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敬辞你有预约吗?。Do you have an appointment?

我想约见陈医生。I have appointment tomorrow.

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我需求来唯一预约。I command to do an appointment?.

我有预约要烫头发。I made an appointment for a perm.

做一个提前预约。Make a preconception appointment.

有预约发型师的吗?An appointment with a hairstylist?

我跟安茜已经约好了。I got an appointment with An qian.

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我十点钟还有别的约会。I have another appointment at ten.

我才不会爽约哪。No, I won't break the appointment.

但是我和安有个约会。But I have an appointment with Ann.

你查过登记本吗?Did you check the appointment book?

我星期三有个约会。I have an appointment on Wednesday.

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我已与王先生约好时间见面了。I have an appointment with Mr Wang.

我已经和青木先生约好了。Yes, I have an appointment with Mr.

她和牙医师的约定告吹了。Her dentist appointment fell through.

我已经和青木先生约好了。I have an appointment with Mr. Aoki.

上周在公报上宣布了对他的任命。His appointment was gazetted last week.

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我约定四点要烫头发。I made an appointment for a perm at 00.

我们和托马斯先生有个约会。We have an appointment with Mr. Thomas.

我可以安排星期一约见吗?Can I arrange an appointment for Monday?