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埃及圣甲虫其实就是蜣螂。The Egyptian sacred scarab is a dung beetle.

圣甲虫像用于记录历史性事件。The scarab image was used for recording historical events.

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圣甲虫素致命打击将军的主战坦克,取代了毒蝎坦克。The Scarab is General Deathstrike's MBT, replacing the Scorpion Tank.

视频伴随便地指出,玻璃圣甲虫饰物是值得人们特别注意的。The glass scarab is of particular note, as an accompanying video points out.

总是不停地把前门灯撞的乒乓响的六月腮金龟就是金龟科的一种。The June bug pinging incessantly off your front porch light is a type of scarab.

圣甲虫是新生命和复活自然发生的符号。The scarab beetle was the symbol of Spontaneous Generation, New Life, and Resurrection.

全世界大约有30000种金龟子,约占已知鞘翅目甲虫种类的十分之一。There are about 30,000 scarab species comprising about 10 percent of all known beetles.

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该车辆的独特设计,主要吸取的圣甲虫形状的灵感。The unique design of the vehicle largely draws inspiration from the shape of the scarab.

当圣甲虫通过贸易,战争和政治遍及整个欧洲和亚洲各地,它的用途改变了。As the scarab traveled throughout Europe and Asia by trade, war and politics, its purpose changed.

用大培养皿作金龟子幼虫取食行为研究的方法首次被使用。It was effective that the behavior expeiment of the scarab had been done by using big petri plates.

古埃及的首饰匠人们打造了许多保存至今的精美的圣甲虫指环和项链。Jewelers in ancient Egypt made many examples of finely carved scarab rings and necklaces that still exist today.

黑暗的力量在甲虫之墙的另一边不断积累,而永恒之王自己也感到恐慌。A terrible darkness is building up beyond the Scarab Wall, enough to give pause even to the Timeless One himself.

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在这里,我们将使用一个非常复杂的圣甲虫腿和详细的展示区,你可以如何回答这些问题。Here we will use a very complex and detailed area from the Scarab leg to demonstrate how you can answer those questions.

从那以后,满腔悲愤的屎壳郎总是四处寻觅筑有鹰巢的所在。From that time, the scarab beetle, full of malice, never ceases to search out the places where the eagle builds her nest.

一个委讬人曾描述一个梦,梦里在出现一只斑斓甲虫的同时,就会有另一只非常相似的甲虫飞入窗口。Once, a client was describing a dream involving a scarab beetle when, at that very instant, a very similar beetle flew into the window.

部分金龟科甲虫由于栖息地的丢失和甲虫收集者的捕捉而受到威胁。但是总体来说,金龟科种群还是稳定的。Some species of scarab are threatened by habitat loss and collection by beetle hunters, but as a whole, the scarab population is stable.

希腊人也开始使用圣甲虫,结果就使圣甲虫进入欧洲大陆中,进入甲虫从未生活过的地方。The Greeks started using the scarab as well, and as a result, the scarab made it onto mainland Europe, into areas where the dung beetle had never lived.

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迄今,已有14种金龟子的性信息素被鉴定,还有一些金龟子的聚集信息素和两性引诱剂被报道。Up to now the sex pheromones of 14 scarab beetles have been identified and several aggregation pheromones and attractants to the both males and females reported.

结果表明,不同食料对两种金龟甲成虫的寿命、产卵期、产卵量有显著影响。The results showed that there were significant differences in the adult longevity, egg laying period and numbers of the eggs laid per female of two scarab beetles.

在卢克索探索,玩家机动神秘圣甲虫神圣抛出的大理石球,结合3个或更多的颜色并设法消除的珠子链进展。In Luxor Quest, players maneuver a mystical scarab sacred to throw balls of marble, combine 3 or more colors and try to eliminate the chain of beads that progresses.