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修出完美的指甲。Fake a perfect manicure.

我能经常修甲吗?Can I have manicure often?

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您要修指甲吗?。Would you like a manicure?

您还要修一下指甲吗?And would you like a manicure?

先生,要剪指甲吗?Sir, would you like a manicure?

我们这里有很多项修甲服务。We offer many manicure services.

你要修指甲吗?Would you like to have manicure ?

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我是男的,我可以修甲吗?Can I have manicure if I am a man?

这就是未来的美甲工具吗?Is this the manicure of the future?

为什么我们需要修甲?Why do we need a manicure or pedicure?

您打算以后修指甲吗?。Are you planning to get a manicure later?

我想做手指甲和脚趾甲。I want to have a manicure and a pedicure.

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我想做一下手部和脚部指甲的修护。I want to have a manicure and a pedicure.

我也想要修手和脚指甲。I would also like a manicure and pedicure.

你们提供哪些修甲服务?What kind of manicure services do you offer?

请给我按摩一下脸部,修一修指甲。Give me a face massage, and manicure my nails.

比如不要在一个法官面前亮出你涂有“FU”字样的中指!Don't wear an "FU" manicure in front of a judge!

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好的,这边请。我们这里有很多项修甲服务。This way, please. We offer many manicure services.

噢,在我烫发的时候,我想修一下指甲。Oh, I also want a manicure while I'm having the perm.

好的,这边请。我们这里有很多项修甲服务。This way please. We offer many manicure services here.