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过去时。Past tense.

离树还过去点。Past the tree.

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现在已过中午了。It is past noon.

他从我身边一闪溜了过去。He dodged past me.

一只小船滑过。A boat glided past.

他从她身边闪身躲过。He dodged past her.

她从我身边挤了过去。She pushed past me.

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一只燕子飞过去了。A swallow flew past.

这是我力所不及的。It is past my power.

现在是九点零五分。It's five past nine.

现在是七点过两分。It's two past seven.

汽车轰轰隆隆急驶而过。The car roared past.

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一辆汽车在我们身旁飞驶而过溅了我们满身泥。A car dashed past us.

他大大超过了五十岁。He is far past fifty.

现在是三点半。It's half past three.

痛苦过去是快乐。Pain past is pleaser.

大车轱辘轱辘地驶过。The cart rumbled past.

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"eat"的过去时。The past tense of eat.

火车轰鸣着驶过。The train roared past.

火车呜的一声飞驰而过。The train zoomed past.