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杜根先生说,瑞士信贷银行将有一个“先发优势”。Mr Dougan says that Credit Suisse will have a “first mover advantage”.

瑞士信贷银行和摩根大通拔颔首筹。That leaves Credit Suisse and JPMorgan Chase to take the grand prizes.

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瑞士信贷在过去一年中曾为Countrywide提供过投资银行服务。Credit Suisse has done investment-banking work for Countrywide in the past year.

2003年到2007年春,古贝尔任瑞士信贷联合总裁。From 2003 until spring 2007, Mr. Grübel was co-chief executive of Credit Suisse.

那是什么照片,-瑞士野营时照的相。亚伦穿的跟毛毛虫似的。What are those? -pictures from camp suisse. Aaron dressed up as cecil the caterpillar.

“现在,我们要前往速度极慢的摩纳哥。”泰森在赞助商瑞士银行的电子杂志上说。"We're heading now for the extremely slow race in Monaco, " Theissen told the Credit Suisse e-magazine.

柏甘蒂诺先生,瑞士人,1982年-2009年为瑞信工作。Mr. Bergantino, a citizen and resident of Switzerland, worked for Credit Suisse from about 1982 to 2009.

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“这个改变具有意义非凡的象征性”董涛---瑞士信贷行香港分公司的经济分析家说到。"These moves are symbolic and significant, " says Dong Tao, a Hong Kong-based economist at Credit Suisse.

预计到新政策的带来,瑞士信贷和高盛投资公司已经给一些员工发放了年中奖。Credit Suisse and Goldman Sachs also paid selected staff mid-year bonuses in expectation of the new rules.

瑞信集团数据显示,美国企业债收益已经达到1960年以来的最高水平。That’s the highest level compared with corporate debt yields since 1960, Credit Suisse Group AG data show.

瑞士信贷是新东方首次公开招股的唯一全球协调人,并与高盛投行一起担任此次招股的主承销商。Credit Suisse Securities was the sole global coordinator and acted as joint book-runners with Goldman Sachs.

LBS的学者们在2010年对这个假设也给出了研究结论——“瑞士信贷全球投资回报年鉴”。The LBS academics tackle this issue in their 2010 work, the “Credit Suisse Global Investment Returns Yearbook”.

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在该方案内,瑞士信贷认为欧洲各国政府应支出3-4亿欧元来重建银行资本.Within this, Credit Suisse reckons European governments should spend 300-400 million euros to recapitalize banks.

历史上二次衰退的情况很罕见,据瑞士信贷数据,过去90年间只在1981年出现一次.Double-dips are a very rare event, happening just once -- 1981 -- in the past 90 years, according to Credit Suisse.

四月份,瑞士信贷预计三分之一的仰赖出口的制造企业会在三年内关闭。In April, Credit Suisse forecast that one-third of all export-oriented manufacturers could close within three years.

但是,尽管在这样一个经济环境低靡的年份,瑞士信贷团体对其在中*国的发展前景充满信心。But, in such a depressing economic environment, Credit Suisse Group still has full confidence in its future in China.

没有一个行业在瑞士信贷的压力测试下进行定价使其2012年底之前两年内的销售额增长为零。None of the sectors stress-tested by Credit Suisse had priced in a scenario of zero sales growth for two years to end-2012.

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而且他们的头寸不论在何种情况下与那些真正的套期保值者相比都显得相形见绌。And their positions are in any case regularly dwarfed by those of supposedly genuine hedges, says Kamal Naqvi of Credit Suisse.

调查中最新透漏出来的消息说,美林、瑞信一波和花旗集团将被发现犯有欺诈罪。The latest leaks from the investigation say that Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse First Boston and Citigroup will be found guilty of fraud.

瑞信AG和德意志银行AG已经获得证券业务准许,能承销在上海和深圳的发行。Credit Suisse AG and Deutsche Bank AG have won approvals for securities ventures that can underwrite offerings in Shanghai and Shenzhen.