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他在无休止的市政厅集会上接受各种未经筛选的问题。He takes unfiltered questions at endless town hall meetings.

此葡萄酒储存在法国庄园橡木桶内,灌瓶前并没有过滤。This wine was aged in new French oak chateau barrels and bottled unfiltered.

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我喜欢直接与市民打交道,我相信他们未经过影响的判断力。I liked direct contact with citizens, and I trusted their unfiltered judgment.

为什么我们又要庇护公众远离那未经过滤而深入杀手内心的探寻呢?Why would we shield the public from an unfiltered look inside the mind of a killer?

没有镜片保护的情况下,色彩看起来是普通的,但HEV光线和紫外线也会不经过滤地透射进眼睛中。Without lenses , color perception is normal , but HEV and UV light pass unfiltered to the eye.

新的中国领导人可能会比当前的政府更愿意允许中国存在未经过滤的搜索引擎。Those leaders may be more willing to allow an unfiltered search engine than the current regime.

两种网都能粘到苍蝇,蜜蜂,黄蜂和蚊子。Flies, bees, wasps, and mosquitoes were all common catches on both filtered and unfiltered webs.

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当我有需要的时候,请为我提供未经过滤的完整产品信息,但必须分门别类列清楚。Give me the goods unfiltered and fully comprehensive when I want it. BUT BE CLEAR in what is what.

10月召开的一次电话会议上,戴蒙向分析师们再开金口,直言不讳地吐露了自己的看法。On a conference call with analysts this month, Dimon uttered another one of his unfiltered jewels.

2010年6月下旬的晴朗天空提供了大量未过滤的阳光来融化北极的冰雪。Clear skies in late June 2010 provided plenty of unfiltered sunlight to melt snow and ice in the Arctic.

阿兹和德克坐在吧里,咳嗽着,手里转着未滤过的香烟,问着人是否要喝酒。Atze and Dirk sit at the bar, coughing, rolling unfiltered cigarettes and asking if anyone wants a drink.

有的只有真实,没有过滤过的真实,那种不止想在健行中享有,每天的日子里也想享有的真实。There was only a true, unfiltered reality that I wanted to enjoy not only on the trail, but also in everyday life.

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你带她去你父母家吃晚饭,安德鲁会在吃饭的时候抽起不带过滤嘴的香烟,如果她愿意吃的话。You'd take her to dinner at your parents' house. Audrey would smoke unfiltered cigarettes while she ate, if she ate.

它也在最近的伊朗选举中,担当了一个在政治抗议中未被过滤的信息来源的角色。It also played a role as an unfiltered source of information in political protests after the recent Iranian elections.

没有了空调机的嗡嗡声,房间飘逸着一种奇异的祥和气氛,还有未经过滤的的喧哗声似乎触手可及。Without the droning air-conditioner, the house is oddly peaceful, and the unfiltered noise seems close enough to touch.

这重定向,它提供了简体中文搜索过滤,一直运作良好,为我们的用户和谷歌。This redirect, which offers unfiltered search in simplified Chinese, has been working well for our users and for Google.

没有了空调机的嗡嗡声,房间飘逸著一种奇异的祥和气氛,还有未经过滤的、亲近的伸手就可触及的夜声。Without the droning air-conditioner, the house is oddly peaceable, and the unfiltered clamor seems close enough to touch.

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没有烦人的空调的嗡嗡声,房子里出奇地安静,还有这未经过滤的夜晚的喧杂声,似乎近的伸手可以触摸得到。Without the droning air-conditioner, the house is oddly peaceful, and the unfiltered night noises seem close enough to touch.

该酒来自于20-40年树龄的老藤,然后放入法国大橡木桶内陈酿18个月,未经过滤直接装瓶。This wine was harvested from 20 – 40 year old vines and then bottled unfiltered after 18 months of vinification in barrique casks.

未经过滤的咖啡,尤其是经过高压处理的,含有较多的咖啡醇,会升高体内胆固醇含量。Unfiltered coffees, which are typically made with a French press, contain more of a cholesterol-raising substance called cafestol.