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要叫醒梦游者吗?Should you wake a sleepwalker?

我小时候就是一个梦游冠军。I'm somebody who was a champion sleepwalker as a kid.

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是什么把一位慢性睡行症患者变成了一位无意间行凶的杀手呢?And what turns a chronic sleepwalker intoanunwitting killer?

最好的方法是温和的将梦游者带回床上。The best idea is to gently guide the sleepwalker back to bed.

但如果梦游经常发生,梦游者则应寻求医生的帮助。If it happens often, however, the sleepwalker should seek help.

唤醒梦游者并不会伤害到他们,因为梦游本身并没有危险。And while waking a sleepwalker won't do them anyharm, sleepwalking itself can be dangerous.

把梦游者从梦中叫醒会暂时让他们分不清方向或感到很混乱,但也仅仅会如此而已。But waking a sleepwalker from their dream will leave them momentarily disoriented or confused, that's all.

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深度睡眠时大脑对外界的激励有抵抗力,这解释了为什么很难叫醒梦游者。The brain is resistant to arousal during deep sleep, which explains why it's difficult to wake a sleepwalker.

所谓不应该叫醒梦游者是一个荒诞的说法,但是让他们受惊也是个糟糕的主意。The idea that you shouldn't wake a sleepwalker up is a myth, but it's probably also a bad idea to startle him or her.

梦游病的危险是当他们在夜间做梦并且游走时他们可能会与危险越来越靠近。Sleepwalking's hazard is more closely linked to what the sleepwalker may encounter when roaming about in a nocturnal reverie.

蔚蓝色的天空上鹅毛般的云丝被吹散了,干枯的树木无限延伸,黑呼呼的树枝像一个有梦游症的人那样打着各种手势。Indigo sky swept clear of fleecy clouds, gaunt trees infinitely extended, their black boughs gesticulating like a sleepwalker.

典型的,虽然梦游病是适度的,偶然发生的,处理梦游病最好的处理方法是的带领梦游者回到床上去。Typically, though, sleepwalking is a moderate, infrequent occurrence most easily managed by leading a sleepwalker back to bed by the elbow.

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女主角在表演这段复杂的双人舞时必须要让观众清楚的意识到她是睡着的。The ballerina dancing the part of the sleepwalker must perform a complicated pas de deux while making it clear to the audience that she's asleep.

将梦游者从睡梦中叫醒并不会对他们造成实质性的伤害,最多只是让他们暂时失去方向或处于迷惑状态。But waking a sleepwalker from their dream will leave them momentarily disoriented or confused, that's all. There is no real danger in waking them up.

引起梦游者死亡的可能性是由于震动突然唤醒,但是,梦游者在梦里也同样会有从断气到死亡的挣扎过程。The chances of killing a sleepwalker due to the shock of sudden awakening, however, is about as likely as somebody expiring from a dream about dying.

泽尔达o泰普丽兹医生对梦游这一课题进行了十年的仔细观察和研究之后说,"梦游的人控制肌肉的那一部分大脑是清醒的,而控制感官的那一部分仍在睡梦中。"Dr. Zelda Teplitz, who made a ten-year study of the subject, says, "The sleepwalker is awake in the muscular area, partially asleep in the sensory area."

思嘉站在塔拉农场的走廊上目送那对孪生兄弟离开,直到飞跑的马蹄声已隐隐消失,她才如梦游人似地回到椅子上去。WHEN THE TWINS left Scarlett standing on the porch of Tara and the last sound of flying hooves had died away, she went back to her chair like a sleepwalker.

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如果你执意叫醒他,梦游者会有几分钟表现出困惑并对刚刚发生的事情一无所知。And if you do manage to wake one up, the sleepwalker is likely to exhibit signs of confusion for several minutes and have little to no memory of anything that happened.

摔倒是最大的危险,因此,专家建议,如果家里有梦游者,你就要移开电线,引导梦游者离开楼梯。Falling isthe biggest danger, so if you've got a sleepwalker in your house, experts recommend you move the electrical cords and steer yoursomnambulist away from stairs.

叫醒一个梦游者,不会对他们造成身体上的伤害,但却会使他感到惊恐以及分不清方向,所以很多人认为,面对梦游病患者,最好的办法就是不去打扰他们。Waking a sleepwalker won't cause them any physical harm but but could leave them startled or disoriented which is why many people believe it is best not to disturb them.