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我跟阿拉贝拉的事也一样。It was the same with me and Arabella.

阿里贝拉离开我有十年了。It's ten years since Arabella left me.

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“噢,来滑吧,温克尔先生,”阿拉贝拉说道。"Oh, do skate, Mr Winkle, "said Arabella.

他们告诉她这个娃娃叫做阿拉贝拉。Her parents told her the doll was called Arabella.

原来这个瘦高个儿是韦伯大夫,阿拉贝拉把他请来的。The lanky form was that of Physician Vilbert, who had been called in by Arabella.

从这儿到艾拉白拉说她住的那个客栈有多远,她知道得很准确。She knew exactly how far it was to the inn that Arabella had named as her lodging.

32岁的英国女子阿拉贝拉·马祖基是英国第一家女子私家侦探所——“女子007侦探所”的老板。Arabella Mazzuki, 32, is the founder of Minx007, Britain's first all-female detective agency.

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“让那个卑鄙的家伙把我的钱拿走吧,”阿拉贝拉说,“我们绝不会为失去这笔钱而心痛的,只要我们两人互相恩爱。”"Let the wretch take my money, "said Arabella. "We'll never miss it, being blessed with each other. "

邓不利多对此很愤怒,而阿拉贝拉·费格也用她装满猫食罐头的网袋狠狠地揍了他的脑袋和身子。Dumbledore was furious with him and Arabella Figg beat him around the head and body with her string shopping bag full of tins of cat food.

在鸡年庆典即将结束人们纷纷离开时,伊万卡和阿拉贝拉来到了大使馆。Ivanka and Arabella arrived towards the end of the Year of the Rooster festivities just as people were beginning to file out of the embassy.

在鸡年庆典即将结束人们纷纷离开时,伊万卡和阿拉贝拉来到了大使馆。Ivanka a and Arabella arrived towards the end of the Year of the Rooster festivities just as people were beginning to file out of the embassy.

主人翁裘德强大的力比多、淑的自恋情结、艾拉白拉的快乐原则决定了他们各自的性格特征和人生道路。Judes excessive powerful libido, Sues narcissism, Arabella s pleasure principle give birth to their respective characteristic and outlook on life.

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在特朗普被宣布当选为美国下一任总统之后,这份视频就在新浪微博上火了起来,许多微博用户都称赞阿拉贝拉“非常可爱、了不起”。The video was trending on Sina Weibo soon after Trump was announced as president-elect, with many users praising Arabella as "surprisingly cute and impressive. ""

在川普被宣布当选为美国下一任总统之后,这份视频就在新浪微博上火了起来,许多微博用户都称赞阿拉贝拉拉“非常可爱、了不起”。Thee video was trending on Sina Weibo soon after Trump was announced as president-elect, with many users praising Arabella as "surprisingly cute and impressive. ""

作为3岁孩子阿拉贝拉和1岁孩子约瑟夫的母亲,特朗普的公司为那些需要不时把孩子带来上班的员工创设了“儿童角”。Trump, the mother of three-year-old Arabella and one-year-old Joseph, set up a "kid corner" in her office for employees who need to bring their children to work from time to time.

伊万卡·特朗普2月1日与女儿阿拉贝拉享受了美好的一夜,两人前往华盛顿中国大使馆参加农历新年庆祝活动。Ivanka Trump enjoyed a night out with daughter Arabella on Wednesday as the two made their way to the Chinese Embassy in Washington DC to attend a party celebrating the lunar new year.