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触觉技术一定程度上可以模拟出键程,但是现有的技术还是很有限。Haptics can simulate key travel to an extent, but the technology today is very limited.

我们把游戏的声音调小,但是马克,令人吃惊的是,虚拟触觉还在延续。We turned the sound down on the game but Mark amazingly the haptics is still carrying on.

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触觉技术会提供微小的震动脉冲给设备。Haptics provide micro vibration pulses a device that has smooth input methods like touch screens.

触觉技术会提供微小的震动脉冲给设备。Haptics provide micro vibration pulses to a device that has smooth input methods like touch screens.

触觉既包括当我们被动的与环境发生联系时的感知,也包括我们主动改变环境的感知。Haptics include both our perceptions when we relate passively to our surroundings, and when we move and act.

其他科学家则为了比较实用的目的而研究触觉,以研发更精良的触控萤幕装置和机械手。Others are turning to haptics for more practical purposes, to build better touch screen devices and robot hands.

结论巩膜缝线固定襻后房型人工晶体现有的缝襻方式,不能确保将襻固定在睫状体沟的位置。The haptics of FOAC-IOLs compress the iris and may penetrate through the iris into the stroma of the ciliary body.

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日前,飞利浦公司的科学家设计出一款触觉夹克,能让电影观众通过触觉感受电影情节。A haptics jacket, designed by scientists at Philips Electronics, can enable movie viewers to feel movies through a sense of touch.

触觉再现技术是当前虚拟现实和远程操作机器人领域的前沿,而柔性触觉则是其重要的研究内容。Many applications in virtual reality and telerobot call for the implementation of displaying the human softness haptics on the object being touched.

黑莓风暴抑制屏幕稍微和使用“襻”技术震动,以提供反馈到您的手指,以便更准确地打字。The BlackBerry Storm the screen depresses slightly and using " haptics " technology vibrates to provides feedback to your fingers for more accurate typing.

结论人工晶状体襻不完全睫状体沟内固定是前膜形成的因素之一,而囊袋内固定人工晶状体则可减少人工晶状体前膜的形成。Conclusion Ciliary sulcus fixation of IOL haptics is one of the predisposing factors for membrane formation on IOL while capsular bag fixation may reduce that.

基于人机工程学中触觉和力反馈的相关知识,针对显微外科机器人中带力反馈的主操作手进行了设计、分析和研究。Based on the relevant knowledge of Haptics and force feedback of ergonomics, design of Haptic Master Manipulator in Microsurgery Robot System is analyzed and researched.

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术后继发性青光眼主要与房角损伤有关,人工晶状体襻位置异常、眼内出血、持续性炎性反应也参与其发生。Chamber angle impair is major cause of postoperative secondary glaucoma. Abnormality of lens haptics position, hemorrhage and persistent inflammation were also play a role in secondary glaucoma.

徐指出,即使虚拟键盘无法当然也不会在所有情况下取代物理键盘,触屏和触觉技术可能改变我们使用键盘操作的方式,尤其是在我们使用平板电脑时。Even if virtual keyboards don't displace physical ones in all situations -- and they won't -- touch screens and haptics may change how we interact with a keyboard -- especially on tablets, says Hsu.