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马力对他们很有敌意。Horsepower was hostile to them.

他们有一只狗叫“马力”。They had a dog named horsepower.

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这台发动机的功率达到100马力。This motor turns up 100 horsepower.

美国汽车的平均尺寸和马力在不断增加。The size and horsepower of the average U.

引擎的马力和转速是多少?What are the engine's horsepower and rpm range?

它的额定电压为325马力和336磅英尺的扭矩。It is rated at 325 horsepower and 336 lb-ft of torque.

新F350,世界上最高马力的舷外发动机。The new F350. The world's highest horsepower outboard.

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首先,得确保计算机有足够马力完成此工作。First, make sure the computer has the horsepower for the job.

首先,你得确定计算机有足够马力完成这项工作。First, make sure the computer has the horsepower for the job.

总输出功率是356马力,最大扭矩为590牛米。Total output is 356 horsepower and 590 pounds-feet of torque.

它有30mm口径的加农,机关枪和300马力的发动机。Including a 30mm cannon, machine gun and 300 horsepower engine.

动力装置是一台四气缸、75马力的气冷式发动机。Power plant is a four-cylinder, 75 horsepower air-cooled engine.

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迈巴赫57S比迈巴赫57或62马力更为强大。The horsepower of Maybach 57S is stronger than Maybach 57 or 62.

2008年销售的新车平均马力为219匹,每加仑燃油行驶英里数为21英里。In 2008, the average new vehicle had 219 horsepower and got 21 mpg.

你将拥有四驱全开,408的马力,再加上4.4秒的百公里加速时间。You get all-wheel drive, 408 horsepower and a 4.4-second 0-to-60 time.

缺乏马力不用多久你,险恶的M3的立场。Nevermind the lack of horsepower as long you have that menacing M3 stance.

大发动机和大马力会增高油耗。Larger engines and higher horsepower typically result in lower gas mileage.

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十九世纪时,收割谷物需要大量的畜力和人力。Harvesting grain in the 19th century required plenty of horsepower and manpower.

系列燃气轮机,打着新厂生产306马力和295磅英尺的扭矩。In 5-Series GT -guise the new mill makes 306 horsepower and 295 lb-ft of torque.

由于这艘船安装了175马力的发动机以及船体重量很轻,因此它可以轻易的窜离水面达10英尺高。Powered by a 175 horsepower engine and incredibly light, it can leap 10ft into the air.