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但是对于河北SEO,你可能会获得一个好的排名。But to Heibei SEO, you may obtain a good rank.

2006年毕业于河北大学质量工程专业。Graduated from Quality Engineering Department from Heibei University in 2006.

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瑞星商标在国内享有较高的声誉,是河北省著名商标。The brand of Ruixing is very famous in Hebei, and is one of Heibei Famous Brands.

拟在河北软件职业技术学院设立计算机医学系。UMIT attends to set up medical informatics specialty in Heibei Software Institute.

中国南方航空公司和河北航空公司各自向巴西航空工业公司订购了10架E-190飞机。China Southern Airlines and Heibei Airlines each placed orders for 10 Embraer E-190 planes.

加入WTO后,河北的工业经济面临着诸多的机遇与挑战。After joining WTO, the industrial economy of Heibei is facing a lot of good luck and challenge.

阿尔金北缘大平沟金矿床是近年来在阿尔金山地区新发现的首例岩金矿床。Daxigou gold deposit is one of the important gold deposits found recently in the northern Heibei Province.

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河北省水资源紧缺,局部水污染严重,农村水环境问题日益突出。Heibei province is short of water resources. In some areas water pollution is serious, especially in rural areas.

这是河北崇礼县为向北京市民推介自己的“雪都”魅力而举办的活动。This is Heibei county high a ceremony recommends him for northerly Beijing citizen " snow " glamour and held activity.

围绕这一核心,优化河北省医药工业产品结构,应着重抓好五个重点。Around this one core, optimize Heibei to save structure of medical industry product, should emphasize had paid 5 focal points.

据透露,这种细木工板是河北省邢台鑫源木业公司生产的。According to divulging , this kind of joinery board be production of company of estate of Tai Xinyuan timber of Heibei province Xing.

本文是在加入WTO的大背景下,以优化河北省出口商品结构和提升产业结构为主要研究目的。This paper aims to study optimization of export commodity structure and upgrade of industrial structure in Heibei province under the WTO.

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而河北保定、山东淄博等地的铁精粉价格还处于一种微妙的上涨态势之中。And the price of iron essence pink of and other places of rich of Zi of Heibei Baoding, Shandong still is in a kind to rise delicately in posture.

河北师范大学、石家庄学院的音乐系!另外可以电话问一下,也可查当地的教育信息网!The music of institute of Heibei Normal University, Shijiazhuang is! Additional and OK the phone asks, also can check educational website of place!

试验采用实地调查和土壤测定的方法,研究了河北省昌黎县赤霞珠葡萄产区土壤养分和施肥状况。Fertilizer applications were investigated and soil nutrients were determined under Cabernet Sauvignon cultivar in Changli County of Heibei Province.

保持每天精神饱满的学习工作,对很多人来说已经成为遥不可及的事。It is incredible and impossible for the majority to study and work with an energetic spirit. Heibei Xingyiquan is also called the five elements boxing.

感染迅速导致血液中毒,1939年11月12日黎明前,在河北省黄石口的一个小茅屋里,他永远离开了我们。Infection led quickly to blood poisoning. Just before dawn, on November 12, 1939, in a tiny peasant hut in the village of Huang Shikou in Heibei province, he died.

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河北省旅游饭店星级评定委员会依据管理办法作出“限期整改3个月”处理。Committee of assess of class of star of hotel of Heibei province travel is made according to administrative measure " deadline rectifies and reform 3 months " processing.

文章最后介绍了河北省宣大高速公路计重收费的试验型收费系统的模型及软硬件构成。The article introduced Heibei to save announce finally big freeway plan the experiment that collects fees again collect fees systematic model and soft hardware are formed.

因日方实施和谈阴谋,以及南京政府与冀察当局的相互猜忌,平津相继落入敌手。However, Beiping and Tianjin fell to the Japanese because of the Japanese peace negotiation conspiracy and the Nanjing government's suspects with the authorities of Heibei.