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文学之美不外是辞达而已。Literary beauty is only expressiveness.

在这里主要的优劣在于富于表现力和简单性的比较。The main trade-off here is in expressiveness vs. simplicity.

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演员们的丰富表情给观众留下了深刻的印象。The audiences are impressed by the expressiveness of the actors.

文学传达力之于文学创造是不可或缺的能力。Literary expressiveness is an essential ability in literary creation.

他的画富有一种的表达,显示出更敏锐的洞察力。His painting rose to a expressiveness and revealed a shrewder insight.

他的画富有一种新的表达力,显示出更敏锐的洞察力。His painting rose to a fresh expressiveness and revealed a shrewder insight.

请求的表达是充分的,并且它简化了描述。The required expressiveness is sufficient, and it simplifies the description.

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此外,它更具表现力,这有助于“简化复杂任务”。Moreover, it offers the expressiveness which helps to “simplify complex tasks”.

对这一情感的表达,婴儿自己是能够感知并有所反应的。The babies themselves were able to perceive and respond to such expressiveness.

建筑师探讨了白色体块的表现力和建筑的抽象特征。We explored the expressiveness of the white block and its abstract personality.

首先打动我的,是她的外在,活泼开朗,表情丰富。What struck me first were the outward things, her animation and expressiveness.

这既给予了动态类型的表达能力又保留了静态类型检查的安全。This gives the expressiveness of duck-typing with the safety of static type-checking.

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SSPL还支持基于规则的安全策略,使得该语言具有更强的表达能力。Furthermore, SSPL supports rule-style policy, which enhances the expressiveness of SSPL.

一个好的译者必须具备出色的表达力和生动的想象力。A translator must be armed with the excellent ability of expressiveness and vivid imagination.

面向接口的语言允许我们写面向对象的程序。The expressiveness of an interface-oriented language allows us to write object oriented programs.

宝丽来胶片对图像色泽的表现非常好,并且每次都能提供很棒的照片。Polaroid has such an expressiveness to the colors and creates unique one of a kind images every time.

他是学油画出身,受现代艺术影响,一出手就有很强烈的表现性。Qiu specializes in oil-painting, with a strong expressiveness under the influence of contemporary art.

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蔡居的表现性抽象画最显著的特征是中国元素和原始美。What marks the expressiveness of Cai Ju's abstract paintings are the Chinese elements and primitive beauty.

当然,伴奏者必须对那些为旋律所配和弦的不同“表情”做出反应。Of course, the accompanist has to respond to the different expressiveness of the chords in supporting the melody.

在本期中,我探讨了为什么表达性是重要的,以及代码中表达性的具体表现。In this installment, I've been looking at why expressiveness matters and manifestations of expressiveness in code.