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我如何将哲基尔部署到子目录?。How do I deploy Jekyll to a subdirectory?

我可以在哲基尔完全禁用减价解析吗?。Can I disable markdown parsing in Jekyll entirely?

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换句话说,哲基尔无法控制他邪恶的一面。In other words, Jekyll was unable to control his dark side.

所以,如果你过着双面人的生活,记得把你那“分裂的人格”清理掉。So, if you're Jekyll and Hyde, clean up your split personality.

但这并不意味正义战胜了邪恶,因为善良的哲基尔医生也死了。But this does not mean that good won over evil, for the good Dr. Jekyll was killed, too.

“他与杰基尔成为朋友有多久了?”厄特森先生问道。“我从不记得杰基尔向我介绍过他。”How long have he and Jekyll been friends?Mr. Utterson asked. I never remember Jekyllintroducing me to him.

“唔,谢谢你,普尔,”厄特森先生一边说一边朝门走去。“请告诉杰基尔我来拜访过。”"Well, thank you, Poole, " said Mr. Utterson, walking toward the door. "Please tell Jekyll Icame by to visit. "

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重塑现有的哲基尔和海德的情况,他创造了一个人物,他为“恐怖怪物的拉旺”形容。Reshaping an existing Jekyll and Hyde scenario, he created a character he describes as a "terrorist monster" for Lavant.

那是因为我们明白每个人心中都有一个杰柯尔与海德伺机而行。It is because we understand that there is a Jekyll and Hyde in each one of us, waiting for the right moment to step out of the shadows.

因此,生活中的亨利既是一个温和的图书管理员又是一个时空旅行的暴徒。Consequently, Henry leads a sort of Jekyll and Hyde existence --- mild-mannered librarian in one life, time-traveling thug in the other.

佐治亚的黄金岛之一杰基尔岛是镀金时代美国最富裕家庭最独特的度假胜地之一。Jekyll Island, one of Georgia's Golden Isles, was one of the most exclusive resorts for America's richest families during the Gilded Age.

当我注视着满口责骂的海德先生时,我确信他身上有杰基尔博士的那一面,但我在当时很难发现它。When I watched the vituperative Mr. Hyde, I was sure there must be a Dr. Jekyll in there somewhere, but I was having a hard time finding him.

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与会者们在人间胜地哲基尔岛上度过了扎扎实实的一周,敲定了建立美联储体系的法案草案。The conferees worked for a solid week at the plush Jekyll Island retreat, and hammered out the draft of the bill for the Federal Reserve System.

英国景观设计师格特鲁德杰基尔提倡这种在19世纪末和20世纪初农舍花园种植的自然主义风格。English landscape designer Gertrude Jekyll championed this naturalistic planting style in cottage gardens of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

小说中关于化身博士的怪异故事经受住了时间的考验,至今已被十几次改编搬上舞台或荧幕。The story of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has withstood the test of time, garnering dozens of stage and screen adaptations to this day.

但格林先生说中国经济的波动经常被投资者夸大了。But Mr. Green said fluctuations in China’s economy were often overblown by investors. “Global markets have a kind of Jekyll and Hyde attitude toward China, ” he said.

他是个很奇怪的家伙。他常常很快乐而且明白事理,但时而又脾气很坏甚至粗暴。他是个具有双重性格的人。He's a strange chap. Usually he's very pleasant and reasonable, but there are times when he gets very bad-tempered and almost violent. He's got a Jekyll and Hyde personality.

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作家们注注意到,2006年墨兹罗表现出了“化身博士”般的才能,他预测到金融灾难即将到来,而他的公司仍然会欣欣向荣。By 2006 Mr Mozilo had a “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” quality, the authors note, giving warning that disaster loomed while at the same time insisting his company would still thrive.

当众议员海德说美国应该反对米洛舍维奇和种族清洗时,我笑了,心里想,他那杰基尔医生的一面终于让我发现了。When Congressman Hyde said America should stand up against Milosevic and ethnic cleansing, I smiled and thought to myself that maybe Dr. Jekyll was in there somewhere after all.

尽管主帅菲尔-杰克逊在周一的训练之后,给湖人取了“双面人”的绰号,他强调在一场令人耻辱的失败之后,队员们在之后的训练中打出了最好的水平。Although Coach Phil Jackson dubbed the Lakers a " Jekyll and Hyde" team after Monday's practice, he noted that they have typically played their best games immediately after an ignominious loss.