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而与以往不同的是,今年“特拉维斯小组”将会向鲁尼中尉致敬。This year, however, "Team Travis" will be dedicated to Lt. Looney.

你必须是兔八哥时代长大的。John RobertsYoualso must have grown up during the Looney Tunes era.

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卡佩罗在锋线上确定了迪福和鲁尼的搭档。Kapeiluo has determined Defoe and Looney 's partner in the frontal line.

还有一个星期,曼联前锋鲁尼便将迎来自己的23岁生日。Also one week, Manchester United vanguard Looney will then welcome his 23rd birthday.

当鲁尼中尉获悉好朋友噩耗的时候,他正在海军接受海豹突击队的训练,因此无法离岗。When Looney heard the news of his friend's death, he was in Navy SEAL training and unable to leave.

但是鲁尼不认为作客古迪逊公园球场会很轻松。But Looney did not think that sojourns ancient to abdicate the park field to be able to be very relaxed.

这个入球是鲁尼俱乐部生涯的第98粒入球,离百球大关很近了。This goal is the Looney Club profession 98th grain of goal, was very near to hundred ball critical junctions.

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马尼恩的妹妹最后告诉记者,与以往一样,鲁尼的家人仍将参加今年的海军陆战队马拉松比赛。Manion's sister said that the Looney family will be attending the Marine Corps Marathon this year, like usual.

而鲁尼更是从替补席开始的比赛,最终结束了进球荒的。But Looney is from substitutes the competition which the mat starts, had finished the goal uncultivated land finally.

自从从埃弗顿转投曼联后,鲁尼在古迪逊公园球场打进过2球。Since throws Manchester United after the Everton extension, Looney abdicates the park field in ancient to score 2 goals.

他和鲁尼将自己的理论发展成类似于对宗教的怀疑,借此发泄自己面临危机后的阵痛感。Both she and Looney developed their theories in a spirit of religious doubt, and in the throes of their own personal crises.

然而,鲁尼中尉的家人在上周接到噩耗,远在阿富汗的布兰登在9月21日的一起黑鹰直升机坠毁事故中丧生。But last week the Looney family got word that Brendan had died on September 21 in a Black Hawk helicopter crash in Afghanistan.

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不过,马尼恩-柏雷克说,在给马尼恩的妻子打过电话之后,鲁尼决定留下来,他告诉马尼恩的妻子,他“将为好友特拉维斯完成训练项目。”However, Manion-Borek said that after a phone call with Manion's wife Looney chose to stay, telling her he was, "finishing this for Travis."

本场比赛中鲁尼贡献1个进球和2次助攻,这也是他在最近6场比赛中的连续第8个进球。In this competition Looney contributes 1 goal and 2 secondary attacks, this is also he in the recent 6 competitions continuously the 8th goal.

此番交手,陕西队还面临着外援鲁尼停赛的不利局面,所以鲁能的优势还是蛮大的。This time fights, Team Shanxi is also facing the unfavorable situation which foreign aid Looney stops play, therefore Luneng's superiority is big.

克鲁尼也是其中之一,但他可不想把时间浪费在一堆破石头上,整天打著各种逃跑的鬼主意。Gram Looney is also one of them, but he may not want the time waste in pile of broken stones, to hit all day the wicked scheme which each kind escapes.

在古迪逊公园球场,已经有99个俱乐部进球的鲁尼如果破门,就能在故地完成里程碑式的百球。Abdicates the park field in ancient, if already some 99 club goal's Looney forced a door open, can complete the milestone-like hundred balls in the former home grounds.

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第59分钟,鲁尼巧妙分球,沃尔科特略作调整,以一记相同的低射再次穿透对手大门。The 59th minute, the Looney ingenious minute ball, Walcott slightly makes the adjustment, as soon as by records same shoots lowly penetrates the match front door once more.

还差一个进球,鲁尼的进球就能达到100个,在昨晚重返老东家埃弗顿的古迪逊公园球场的时候,鲁尼没能完成这一任务。Also misses a goal, Looney 's goal can achieve 100, returned in last night master Everton ancient abdicated the park field time, Looney has not been able to complete this task.

弗格森表示,这名英格兰国脚在世界杯预选赛里的进球非常漂亮,这似乎看起来鲁尼已经从低迷状态中恢复过来了。Fergusson indicated that this English champion soccer player's is attractive in World Cup Qualifier goal, this as if looked like Looney already to restore from the murky condition.