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范特尔不这麽认为。Venter does not believe so.

文特尔先生说合成体是一个新的物种。Mister Venter says Synthia is a new species.

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奎格文特尔领导了赛罗拉公司的私人实验室工作。J. Craig Venter led the private laboratory efforts at Celera.

Venter博士希望通过基因工程解决油料收集问题。Dr Venter hopes to overcome the oil-collection problem by genetic engineering.

自项目一开始,文特尔就认为,人类基因组织绘图是医学未来的“起跑线”。Far from being finished, Venter considers it “the starting line” for the future of medicine.

不过他在大约八年前曾顶住外界异议,以惊人的速度破译了人类基因组。Venter defied his critics and deciphered the human genome with startling speed about eight years ago.

文特尔希望他的发现将是合成生物学领域第一个实验室制造的生物。Venter hopes his findings will be the first of a long line of lab-made creatures in synthetic biology.

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“市长先生,什么东西也不会流到排水管里,”文特尔半开玩笑的说,“圣迭戈非常安全。“Nothing will go into the drains, Mr. Mayor,” Dr. Venter said, only half-jokingly. “San Diego is safe.”

但凡特先生提醒道,该项目的产品很可能需要10年时间才能推向市场。But Dr Venter warns that it will probably be 10 years before products from the project reach the market.

南非队排好队形,进攻,安德里·莱伯特突破防守,温特尔持球触地得分。South Africa have line out, attack, Andre Joubert makes a Break, the Ball spills and Venter scores a try.

荚膜和果盖会依次被单倍体的藓帽所包覆,这里的藓帽是颈卵器腹腔的一部份。The capsule and operculum are in turn sheathed by a haploid calyptra which is the remains of the archegonial venter.

这是“一个比我们所设想的复杂得多的问题——但我们知道如何去解决,”凡特博士说。This “turns out to be a much more complicated problem than we thought – but we know how to solve it”, Dr Venter says.

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文特办公桌使用的木材来自一棵有着150年历史的枫树。Venter helped select the wood -- spalted maple burl from a 150-year-old Virginia tree -- from which the desk is made.

事实上,在一项与埃克森美孚公司的联合实验中,Venter在2010年7月开始了利用藻类来生成生物燃料的实验。In fact, in a joint venture with ExxonMobil, Venter opened a test facility in July 2010 to grow algae to be used a biofuel.

由生物学家和企业家克雷格·文特尔领导的另一个人工生命项目与绍斯塔克的探索大有不同。Szostak’s endeavor is very different from another artificial life project led by biologist and entrepreneur J. Craig Venter.

陈丽红留在车上等代薇,代薇只身来到酒吧,斯文特说乔得林的确很过火,他说他犯的只是错,不至于死去。ChenLiGong in your car, etc, and eu, and her journey to bar, venter said Joe, have Lin is far, he says he made just wrong, not die.

文特尔博士从对人类和其他物种的DNA基因排序的研究转到了对整个生态系统的基因分析,最近开始了对马尾藻海海水的研究。Dr. Venter has moved from sequencing the DNA of humans and other species to assaying genes in entire ecosystems most recently the waters of the ?

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自从通过人类基因组绘图创造了世界上第一个人造细菌细胞后,文特尔在短短十年取得了一系列的创新。From mapping the human genome to creating the world's first man-made bacterial cell, Venter achieved a lifetime of innovations in just ten years.

文特尔说,从长远来看,藻类应该被设计上“自杀基因”,一旦他们从实验室或燃料生产设施里逃逸就会自然死亡。In the long run, Dr. Venter said, the algae should be given “suicide genes” that would kill them if they escaped the lab or fuel production facility.

两组骨髓毒性相似,而联合腹腔化疗组静脉炎、消化道反应明显减轻。Two group marrow toxicity resemble, but association venter imus chemotherapy group phlebitis, tractus alimentarius reaction have to lighten obviously.