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请来收款台。Please come to the cashier.

我和收银员把账结清了。I squared up with the cashier.

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出纳员又睡去了。The cashier fell asleep again.

出纳员在账单上盖上“收讫”印记。The cashier receipted the bill.

我们付银费给出纳。We pay the cashier for the food.

那个出纳员窜改了账目。The cashier doctored the accounts.

请把饭钱付给会计吧。Please pay the cashier for the meal.

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我跟他讲了我对收银员的痴迷。I told him my fantasy of the cashier.

出纳员携款潜逃。The cashier absconded with the money.

所以结账要等很长时间。And the cashier is taking a long time.

他利用工作的空馀时间兼差做收银员。He takes a part-time job as a cashier.

收银员将杂货一一计价后收款。The cashier checked out the groceries.

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请到收银员那里交款。Please go to the cashier to pay for it.

“知道,”收款员说道,“去国会。”"Yes, " said the cashier. "To Congress.

那女士向不礼貌的出纳员做鬼脸。The lady made a face at the rude cashier.

在此担任出纳兼开票员一职。In this as cashier and Invoice Rapporteur.

出纳员偷走了当天的进款。A cashier ran away with the day 's takings.

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请您先到批价柜台缴费。Please go to the cashier to pay fees first.

收银员并不需求本人们的十元钞票。The cashier didn't need our ten-dollar bills.

出纳员盗用了银行5万美元。The cashier embezzled $ 50,000 from the bank.