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本能知识也引导昆虫王国产生必要的行为。Instinctual knowledge also instructs the insect kingdoms in their wherewithal.

在钱德勒,但是,并没有对公司或政府必要的资金。The Chandlers, however, did not have the wherewithal of corporations or governments.

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看门人没有费多大的劲,便在附近一带,为他配齐了装备。The porter had easily found in the neighborhood the wherewithal to complete his equipment.

少年人用甚麽洁净他的行为呢.是要遵行你的话。Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.

一个有资力购买葡萄酒的国家,总会获得它所需要的葡萄酒。A country that has wherewithal to buy wine, will always get the wine which it has occasion for.

政府能否筹集足够的资源来处理脱欧后洪水般的永久居留申请?Do governments have the administrative wherewithal to process applications for permanent residence?

它常常发生在庄家既需要清光将牌又需要将吃边花的牌局中。It often happens that declarer lacks the wherewithal both to draw trumps and to ruff out the side suit.

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其他那些网站拥有实现改变的资源,但这并意味着它们能看清将会发生什么改变或应该出现什么改变。Those other sites have the resources to change, but not always the wherewithal to see what changes are going to happen or should.

中国及印度的快速工业化导致两国对原材料及相关运输工具出现强劲需求。The rapid industrialisation of China and India has led to buoyant demand for raw materials – and the wherewithal to transport them.

雅虎主管会希望这一新战略的放心及其股东,该公司已必要的生存。Yahoo executives will hope that this new strategy reassures its shareholders that the company has the wherewithal to survive alone.

“我们不太确定他们是否拥有将其威胁变为现实的能力或必要资金,”一位知情人士说。"We're unsure of their ability or if they have the wherewithal to carry out any of their threats," said a source close to the investigation.

人类将不会获得知识和必要的资金来制造计算机,去飞往月球,或者写作和发表像本文这样的社论。Men would not have had the information or wherewithal to build computers, to fly to the moon, or write and despatch editorials like this one.

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经过了房地产和股市的惨重损失,美国家庭可能没有足够的资金再次发挥这个作用了,至少发挥作用的时间不会太久。After heavy real-estate and stock-market losses, U.S. households may not have the wherewithal to play that role again -- at least not for long.

最重要的是,这还把她和大部分美国妇女隔开,她们没有财力和精力每天都把自己打扮得漂漂亮亮。And, most of all, it separates her from the bulk of American womanhood, who do not have the wherewithal or energy to put it together perfectly every day.

如果一个公司说,比如IBM公司,通过发行债券来借钱,投资者就会密切关注其帐户,以确保它有能力偿还这个债卷。If a company—say, IBM—borrows money by issuing a bond, investors will look very closely over its accounts to make sure it has the wherewithal to repay them.

不过,分析师表示,相关旁证却很有说服力。此外,其他拥有相应能力、财力和动机,可能参与此事的国家非常少。But the circumstantial evidence iscompelling, analysts say. And the list of other potential nation-state actorswith the capability, wherewithal and motive is short.

多年来,Moodle发挥了其零成本优势以吸引那些想办事还不想花钱的机构安装和管理软件。Blackboard is taking aim to undercut Moodle. For years Moodle has leveraged its zero cost to attract organizations with the wherewithal to install and manage the software.

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然而,贪婪、狡诈、胆怯的多法因却想方设法公然质疑达斯·西迪厄斯的诡计,为此他遭到这位西斯尊主的口头谴责。Greedy, deceitful and cowardly, Dofine nevertheless had the wherewithal to openly question Darth Sidious' machinations, for which he was verbally reprimanded by the Sith Lord.

这样一来,就剩下加拿大的几家大型养老基金有本钱发起竞购要约,比如安大略省教师退休金计划基金,以及加拿大养老金计划投资委员会.That leaves big Canadian pension fund managers, including Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, as being among those with the wherewithal to mount a competing bid.

这就是要为来这个特定的地方向他提出请求的所有的无家可归的流浪汉找一个过夜的地方,尽管他也没有足够的钱为自己提供一个舒适的住处。It consisted of securing a bed for all such homeless wayfarers as should apply to him at this particular spot , though he had scarcely the wherewithal to provide a comfortable habitation for himself.