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翘曲速度安全吗?Is Warp Speed Safe?

这是一个有时光隧道的地方吗?Is it an area of time warp?

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这块潮湿的木材有些翘郓了。The damp wood began to warp.

较厚零件也有助于减少翘曲。Thicker parts also tend to warp less.

的经纬线数是相同的。The warp and weft thread count is the same.

太阳把这本书的书皮晒弯了。The hot sun have warp the cover of the book.

长期的孤身生活会使人的性格变得乖戾。Years of living alone may warp one's personality.

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在该系统中,经纱被送入织机。In this system, the warp yarns are fed to the loom.

经纱工卷取,纬纱式卷取,复合式卷取,组合式卷取。Warp wind, weft wind, compound wind, combined wind.

这勉强可以叫做时间弯曲,也是一种数字化的空间弯曲。A time warp, of sorts, and a digital space warp too.

玻纤复丝经编针织物的用途。End uses of warp knitted fabrics from glass filament.

执行长,泽拉图会杀出一条通往传送门的血路。Executor, Zeratul shall find us passage to the warp gate.

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拉尔夫·阿奇博尔德生活在他给自己硬性规定的时间经线里,或多或少是这样的。Ralph Archbold lives in a self-imposed time warp. Sort of.

保持织机经纱张力的恒定是织机的一项关键技术。Keeping the steady warp tension of loom is a key for a loom.

轴承式经轴托脚,保证送经量的均匀。Bearing warp beam foot, can assure the volume of let-off equality.

缝编技术实际上是经编技术的变异。Stitch-bonding technique is a variation of warp knitting technique.

这样便使得“曲线激光”对付重装甲目标非常有效。This makes the Warp Ray very potent against heavily- armored targets.

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一定程度上,医生和患者都是陷于在癌症困境中的难兄难弟。In part, doctors and patients are stuck in a sort of cancer time warp.

用于编织在一起经纱和纬纱的设备被称为一台织布机。The device used to weave together warp and weft threads is called a loom.

经编机种类非常齐全,这在本行业中是首屈一指的。The complete types of warp loom carried Wuyang to the top of his profession.