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没有超宇宙的秩序或力量的存在。There's no transcendent cosmic order or power.

对人的超验抱负,他既肯定又否定。He both affirms and denies the transcendent aspirations of men.

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现在我们看到的就是生命完成升华的那一刻。We are witnessing the last edifying moments of a transcendent being.

因此,使之复活即是使之相互关联,赋予转化中的真实以生命。So, to reanimate is to make relevant, to give life to transcendent truths.

苏拉说他很遗憾我们没能找到更多、更特别的东西。Sula said he was sorry we hadn't been able to find something more transcendent.

这些作品中,他写道,混杂与超越的元素的经验世界。These works, he writes, intermix the empirical world with a transcendent element.

也即是在上帝超验正义的审视下,人类才能最终能够实现正义。That is, unde the transcendent justice of God, mankind can ultimately achieve justice.

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超越存有论是牟宗三儒学思想的标志性成果之一。Transcendent being theory is a significant part of Mou Zongsan's Confucianism thought.

移情,快乐,目标和内部特质同样也有卓越的价值。It's also empathy and joyfulness and purpose inner traits that have transcendent worth.

感谢你和Chivo为我们所有人创造出卓越的电影体验。Thank you to you and Chivo for creating a transcendent cinematic experience for all of us.

雅斯贝斯所致力的是一种祈向超越之维的生存哲学。Karl Jaspers tries his best to make the existential philosophy towards transcendent dimension.

康德所说的"先验的"的意义,可从他所划分的"先验的"和"超越的"区别,绎出来。Kant's meaning of transcendental may be gathered by the way he distinguishes it from transcendent.

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如果说没有抑制感使得我们更能得到超验的性爱,那有什么方法能让我们最大程度地达到那个境界?If lack of inhibition helps us have transcendent sex, what else can we do to maximise our experience?

窄窄的过道显得深邃幽长,衍生出一种宁静超然的意境。Narrow aisle seems deep and profound, revealing a kind of transcendent and serene artistic conception.

对超越性和崇高境界永无休止的追寻是梁蓝波艺术的显著特点。The hallmark of Lampo Leong's art is a restless, questing pursuit of the transcendent and the sublime.

这景象很华丽,正如有些摇滚爱好者在他们最超脱时的感受。The spectacle is outlandish, yet it’s somehow in sync with what rockers feel at their most transcendent.

但是,在这个观点里,上帝是强大超群的,上帝会知晓崇拜者的心灵。But, in this view, God is so powerful and so transcendent that God will know the heart of the worshipper.

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蕺山批评此超越的区分,其道德理想性是否因而丧失而流为下堕的学问?Does Ji Shan's criticism on the transcendent division become declining study because of losing the idealism?

奇怪的他虽然表面上不吸引人,不修边幅,实际上却是一位有着超越力量的瑜伽修行者。A strange figure is revealed, outwardly unprepossessing, untidy, unkempt, he is a yogi of transcendent powers.

高灵上师应该是拥有超凡的慈爱与智慧,并且没有人类缺点的灵性生命。The ascended masters should be amazing beings of transcendent love and wisdom remarkably free of human foibles.