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这是启发式学习而且起作用了,这真的很简单。And now, this is limbic learning and it works. This is really simple.

边缘共振该术语就是用来描述一个被另一个所吸引的感觉。Limbic resonance is a term used to describe the feeling of attraction to another.

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假设的机制包括边缘系统或5-羟色胺能系统功能障碍。The postulated mechanisms include dysfunction of the limbic or serotoninergic system.

内隐记忆的编码存于边缘系统内,共振才得到激活。The implicit memory is coded into the limbic system, and the resonance gets activated.

所以,我们必须设计一套没有边缘系统参与或干扰的投资计画。The questions were designed to define the operational parameters of his limbic system.

他们的小脑似乎小于正常,他们的边缘系统受损。Their cerebellum seems to be smaller than normal, and their limbic system is impaired.

缰核是前脑边缘系统向脑干下行投射的枢纽。Nucleus habenula is the axis of the descending pathway from limbic system to the brain stem.

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有时它们聚集在大脑的边缘系统和心脏的某些角落。Sometimes they gather inside the limbic system of the brain and in certain corners of the heart.

边缘系统内发生的种种让我们似乎感受到自己正处于一段潜在的感情之中。Something happens in the limbic system that lets us know we are in the presence of a potential love.

这部分被叫做边缘区域,在大脑的深处,当我们得到奖励的时候,这部分会十分活跃。‘This is called the limbic region, which is deep in the brain, and it’s more active when we’re rewarded.

冲动主要是在边缘系统、腹侧纹状体和伏隔核中,被活动驱动。Impulses are primarily driven by activitiesin the limbic region, ventral striatum, and nucleus accumbens.

与中脑多巴胺系统有关的部分边缘系统被即时回报所激活。Parts of the limbic system associated with the midbraindopamine system are activated by immediate rewards.

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在该系列影像中,我们将看到边缘系统,同时也是典型HSV脑炎的受损区域。We will see the limbic system on this tour, as shown by the lesions of a typical case of HSV encephalitis.

在朗诵圣歌时,艾扎瑞博士原本期待看到基督教徒大脑的中枢边缘系统出现活跃现象。Dr Azari was expecting to see activity in the limbic systems of the Christians when they recited the psalm.

辨认音乐中不同的情感内涵,则可能涉及了边缘系统的不同区域。Different regions of the limbic system may be involved in recognizing different emotional contents of music.

所以,我们必须设计一套没有边缘系统参与或干扰的投资计画。So, we will need to design an investment program that does not require the participation of our limbic system.

边缘前脑内很多区参与情绪反应,水和电解质平衡失调引起的血流动力学变化。The limbic forebrain plays an importent role in regulation of emotion and stress, water- and electrolyte-balance.

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它全发生在你的边缘大脑里,大脑中控制决策但不负责语言的那部分。It's all happening here in you limbic brain, the part of the brain that controls decision-making and not language.

随后活动刺激到大脑边缘系统,此系统包括了情感反应区和长期记忆区。Activity then spreads to the limbic system, a collection of brain structures involved in emotions and long-term memory.

但或许你并不知道,边缘系统也可能试图检测出你将爱上的那个人以及那个将会爱上你的人。But what you may not know is your limbic system may be trying to detect whom you will love, and who will love you back.