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我给每位查询者发送了一份资料。I send each inquirer a packet of information.

“发现贫困很容易,”他告诉费城调查报。"It's easy to find the poverty, " he told the Philadelphia Inquirer.

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本杰明●雷德福是怀疑论询问者科学杂志的总编辑。Benjamin Radford is managing editor of the Skeptical Inquirer science magazine.

“旧金山纪事报”和“费城询问报”也在即将倒闭的威胁中。The San Francisco Chronicle and the Philadelphia Inquirer are under threat of closing.

还有另一个理想,我想从政,无论是什么部门,甚至是民意调查机构,我也不介意。Another big thought, I wanna be a part of the politics, any part will be fine, even up for a poll inquirer.

买方发出的询盘是为了获得拟定购商品的有关信息,对发出询盘的存在约束力。Enquiries made by the buyer are to get information about the goods to be ordered, and are no binding on the inquirer.

询问报编辑威廉‧马利摩将返回调查报导岗位,费城媒体网路公司今天在一份声明中说。Inquirer Editor William Marimow will return to investigative reporting, Philadelphia Media Network said in a statement today.

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据来自费城的调查者称,学习哲学专业的人数得到了显著的增加是在此次经济衰退中的诸多令人稍感意外的事件之一。One of the many small surprises of the recession has been a significant growth in the number of philosophy majors, according the the Philadelphia Inquirer.

蜡保护查询者免受暴露在那渗透了大部分文本的污物,防止他的理性之锚被轻易的冲走。Wax protected the inquirer from exposure to the foulness that permeated the majority of the texts, preventing one's anchor of reason from being too easily washed away.

“这个球队训练的很努力,而且如果球队在赛季初期不能适应的话我们还有很多其他的可以做,”乔丹和费城询问报说。"This team does play hard, and we have other things we can go to if they don't get the grasp of the offense early in the season, " Jordan told the Philadelphia Inquirer.

而像拉耶尔教徒这样的群体,则反映了该报读者的趣味,反过来也为我们在排队等着付款时提供了很多相当刺激的新闻标题。Groups like the Raelians reflect the tastes of Inquirer readers and in turn provide many a thrilling headline for us all as we stand in line waiting to pay for our groceries.

当来访美国的时候,Alizada告诉费城调查报的人员,她想让人们看到这个国家的美丽,而不仅仅是暴力和冲突。When visiting the United States, Alizada told the Philadelphia Inquirer that she wanted people to see her country as beautiful, and not just a place of violence and conflict.

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登记资料的查阅人可以自行抄录登记信息,也可以委托登记机构复制有关的登记资料。The inquirer of the Registration Materials may copy the information in the Registration Materials, or ask the staff member of the Registration Organ to duplicate relevant Registration Materials.