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轻轻舞,是风铃儿呢。Dance, the wind chime.

塔钟每小时鸣奏一次。The tower bells chime every hour.

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自鸣钟在搁板上滴答滴答地响著。The chime clock ticks away on the shelf.

要喜悦响应那甜美的复活钟声。And answer the sweet chime of Easter bells.

我的心想与钟声齐轻叹。My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies.

也许知道更多的人可以解答这个问题。Perhaps someone with more knowledge can chime in here.

这样的行动似乎和早期的民意调查相一致。Such moves seem to chime with early public-opinion polls.

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丹尼斯乱拨钟,现在钟不响了。Dennis has been monkeying with the clock. Now it won't chime.

扮演西敏寺附和于一小时只能在白天时间。Plays Westminster chime on the hour only during daylight hours.

我觉得你们会成功,绝对能在最后一声钟响前赶回来。And you would do well, I feel, to return before this last chime.

事实上,该车在时速超过45、55和65英里时将给出语音警告。In fact, the car will chime when it hits 45, 55 and then 65 mph.

抵达响声是迅达的标准,但就高了一个调。The arrival chime is standard of Schindler but is one key higher.

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需要提供“请勿打扰”开关及显示灯,门铃,并非打扫房间。Require DND switch and display , Door chime , but not Make up Room.

而机门关上后的锁上声,以及抵达时的响声也是。So is the door locking up sound when closed, as well as the arrival chime.

我会在文末为你提供多种方式,让你来创造你自己的想法。I'll offer multiple ways for you to chime in with your thoughts at the end.

那些小铃铛的叮当作饷向每个长耳朵的人宣称着其价值。The chime of those little bells proclaimed their value to anyone with ears.

再次走进商店,我听到有人进入时熟悉的铃声。Walking back into the store, I hear the familiar chime of someone entering.

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自动化语音播放及关门讯号声属于后来追加的功能。The automated announcement and the door closing chime are later added features.

自由啦,自由啦,拇指姑娘唱起歌来,歌声像仙女的铃铛叮当响。Free, free! "she sang, her voice tinkled as a chime of fairy bells. "Free, free!

而有时却像是狂风怒吼的大海一样,疯狂磬打着岸边弱小的沙子。And sometimes roaring like the sea wind, like, crazy chime name of small sand bank.