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飞行伞真是可笑的简单。Paragliding is ridiculously simple.

这次考试容易得不象话。The examination was ridiculously easy.

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这儿的啤酒贵得也太离谱了。The price of beer here is ridiculously high.

男人是如此可笑的死脑筋和顽固不化。Men are ridiculously pig-headed and stubborn.

你长得真是十分十分十分荒谬地好看。You're really really really ridiculously good looking.

会很快写下在你开快车中那莫名其妙的超速罚单。I’ll write your ticket as ridiculously fast as you drive.

成长中你不会总是那么没心没肺地快乐。You’re not always going to be ridiculously happy as you grow up.

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预言明天太阳将不会升起是荒唐可笑的。It is ridiculously absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow.

而且将工具与生命比较,它们的时间轴是完全不同的。Also when comparing tools to life, the time scales are ridiculously different.

然后便成立了“火钩国际”。An organization was then established, which they ridiculously named Fire Hook.

在一下照片中,车主们都碰到了一些看似荒唐的实际问题。The owners of the vehicles in these photos have some ridiculously real problems.

我认为你很有想法,跟你比起来我的想法很幼稚很可笑。I think you have good ideas. My ideas are very ridiculously childish comparing with yours.

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亚力克·鲍德温扮演的这个角色性感的有点荒谬,并将杰克这个角色驾驭的游刃有余。In this role, Alec Baldwin is ridiculously hot, and completely comfortable in Jack’s skin.

有些案子错得离奇,有些案子则完全颠倒黑白。Some cases are ridiculously wrong, and some cases totally reversed the right and the wrong.

加斯东这个简单的反应,说明我的敏感有多么可笑。This straightforward observation of Gaston's showed me how ridiculously touchy I was being.

你可以做5分钟任何事——这看起来简单至极,但却是关键的一步。You can do anything for 5 minutes — it should seem ridiculously easy, but that’s the point.

藉由一个只有16英尺的回旋直径圆周,乐骋在掉头时,能造出一个荒谬地小的旋转空间。With a turning circle of just 16 feet, Aveo can make a U-turn in a ridiculously small space.

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风险规避是如此的极端以至于很好的股票和债券可以有不可思议的低价。Risk aversion is so extreme that good stocks and bonds can be had for ridiculously low prices.

你得给的贿赂钱数高得离谱,而且还没人对此骂一声草泥马。Amount of the money you have to give in bribe is ridiculously high and nobody gives F about it.

我想过的生活是如此地令人意想不到、卓越非凡,甚至比“伟大事物的艺术”更好。I want to live a life that’s Ridiculously Extraordinary, and better learn the Art of Great Things.