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其它鼓励类项目。Other encouraged projects.

听了他说的话,我倍受鼓舞。I was encouraged by what he said.

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他鼓励阿纳金杀死杜库。He encouraged Anakin to kill Dooku.

他鼓励这个家庭振作起来。He encouraged the family to cheer Up.

但是在新学员当中,并不被鼓励这样做。But recruits are not encouraged to do so.

中国是否鼓励外商投资?Is foreign investment encouraged in China?

蒙田鼓励我们去责怪作者。Montaigne encouraged us to blame the author.

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于是,妮基鼓励亨利去监狱里探望父亲。She encouraged Henry to visit him in prison.

在大多数方面我都为此大受鼓舞。I'm very encouraged by that in most respects.

这种试验应该受到鼓励。Such kind of experiments should be encouraged.

我们经常鼓励乔林李刻苦学习。We often encouraged Qiaolin Lee to study hard.

米尔鼓励罗素向荷莉表白。Mir encouraged Russell to the Holly profession.

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吴仪鼓励大家要当好世博会志愿者,并与他们合影留念。Wu also encouraged volunteers to do a good job.

他也对她在科学上的兴趣进行了鼓励。He encouraged her interests in science, as well.

她的成功鼓励我试做同样的事。Her success encouraged me to try the same thing.

是的,他们想让孩子们信心饱满的。No, they want their children to feel encouraged.

西奥尼鼓舞她杰姬能了解的。West a one encouraged her Jackie can understand.

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在这里,大家的支持使我倍受鼓舞。I am encouraged by the support demonstrated here.

他的这总精神鼓励着我要努力学习。His spirit encouraged me to work hard at my study.

所以,这里会广泛地鼓励你去创业。So it's openly kind of encouraged that you do that.